[H/PvE]Warrior LF HC/Semi-HC raiding guild or reroll[Open to Alliance & PvP for reroll]


I am searching for a variety of options between hardcore and semi-hardcore guilds. I am currently on a PvE realm, so I am unable to transfer to PvP realms. However, I am able and fully willing to reroll, especially for a hardcore guild if you are located on a PvP realm to fulfill whatever class needs you may have.

To be completely transparent, I am best at playing warrior by far, especially fulfilling a main tank slot as fury/prot and would enjoy this as first choice, with fury DPS as second choice and rerolling to something else as final resort.

You can find my warrior logs below; all orange parses with over half a dozen 99s P3&P4 between both BWL & MC.

https :// classic.warcraftlogs . com/character/us/bloodsail-buccaneers/caelixx

Further qualifications include:

-Raid Lead & Main Tanked Horde 1st MC on Bloodsail Buccaneers
-Raid Lead & Main Tanked Horde 2nd BWL on Bloodsail Buccaneers
-Raid Lead & Main Tanked fastest current Horde MC clear on Bloodsail Buccaneers
-Raid Lead & Main Tanked fastest current Horde BWL clear on Bloodsail Buccaneers.
-World boss experience of being primary raid organization, personally scouted extended hours (8-12+ hours at a time) and leveling multiple level 20 warlock alts for world boss summoning. Successfully raid lead and organized a Nightmare Dragon spawn where our raid killed all 4 dragons in less than an hour total as Horde on a server that’s 75% ratio favored toward Alliance.
-5+ years Guild Leadership and organizational experience.

I have 10 elementium bars, Geddon Binding and Essence of the Firelord banked for Thunderfury; the only remaining item that I require for Thunderfury is the Garr Binding.

For any inquiries you may contact me at Caelixx#11175 on btags or Caelixx#1072 on discord. I am entirely open to interviews via voice or text, whether it’s one on one or with all officers present.

Still searching.

Not sure if you’d be interested in a morning raid guild but.