Pho Kings of Mankirk is recruiting chill players who want to relive the good ole’ WotLK days and clear each raid + complete their meta achievements each phase efficiently on a 2-day schedule.
About Us:
We’re a chill group of friends who just wanna relive the good ole’ Wrath days. Goal for the guild is clear every raid, knock out the meta achievements, and have a good time. Show up prepared, know what you’re doing, and be personable. We are primarily a 10man guild, so please understand that everyone, including officers, are expected to sit for some fights. No tolerance for sexism/racism/etc.
Raid Schedule:
- Friday 11:00pm-1:00am EST
- Saturday 11:00pm-1:00am EST
Recruitment Needs:
- Considering all classes both melee and ranged
- Resto Shaman
- Holy/Disc Priest
Applicant Requirements:
- Punctuality and reliability; show up on time, prepared, and consistently.
- Ability to accept constructive criticism
- Situational awareness. Don’t stand in fire.
What We Offer:
- A positive raid environment that’s laid back while still maintaining a progressive mindset on a tight schedule
- We are drama free and personable - our members range from university students to young working professionals
- An active group of players who interact with each other and have hobbies outside of the WoW
- A community that aspires to push their skill and are passionate about the game
Contact Us:
- explicit#1324 ( / Moartaps#5342 (Discord) - GM/RL
- Mikable#1412( / Mikemik#1667 (Discord) - Recruiting Officer
Please contact one of the above via B.Net or Discord to inquire about joining.