Holy Paladin LF Core raid team. I cannot raid on Tuesday or Thursday between 12pm-3pm EST. I raid on Retail for The Early Shift. Have achieved multiple CE’s on multiple toons on retail.
I have played healer since Ulduar in Wrath. Primarily Rdruid, but can play any healer.
Hello! I am an officer with Refuge and we are looking for a Holy Paladin for WoTLK. If you’d like you can reach me on discord @Djayyshamwow#9713.
We are a semi-hardcore guild that’s been around since Classic; we feel like home. As a mature guild, we strive to foster a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment where all guild members are respectful of one another.
Raid Expectations: 90%+ raid attendance, you know your spec and come with full consumes/enchants/etc. to all main raids, and you are a team player who is laid back but can get stuff done.
Raid days: Wed/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
Loot: EPGP