Hpal Mastery?

How does my PvP Holy brethren feel about the current design of our Mastery? Do you think its better than the Illuminated Healing absorb we had pre-Legion, which allowed us to focus more so on Crit for IoL procs? Or do you prefer this proximity design we’ve had since Legion (whether or not using Beacon of Lightbringer talent), or do most of us want another redesign for it?

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Its doo doo, Cata Mastery was the best.
The new one completely changed the playstyle that nobody asked for. They wanted us to be melee heals, but the damage is completely lacking. They had the opportunity to make it right but gave damage to every healer but Paladin and somewhat Shamans to. Monk, Priest, Evoker, Druid all have crazy dps with the ability to turn the damage into healing. Paladin is just garbage in the form of a dps healer.


lol you’ll never have illuminated healing again. mastery, its dead, unless your only focus is to heal the tanks, u both can die in cleaves and melee mechanics.

you place your beacon on a range = the range run all over the place = dead mechanic. it decays after 5 yards, gnomes are longer if u lay them down.


I have been dreaming with this change since it was introduced, in Legion.
The Holy Paladin mastery it’s so bad and out of place that made me sad every time I think about it.
I don’t know why it can’t be a thing like “Damage done heals by 10% of the 2 low hp chars” or something like that.


If you heal a target standing next to you in melee (full mastery bonus), the beaconed ranged target will receive up to 50% of that heal, and it retains the mastery bonus from the original heal.

The beacon target itself does not directly benefit from mastery based on its distance from you. Instead, the mastery bonus is calculated based on the original heal that triggers the beacon transfer.

To maximize healing efficiency with your mastery:

Position yourself closer to your primary healing targets, as beaconed healing depends on the strength of your direct heals on others.

Mastery is not “dead”. You simply misunderstand how it works.

Don’t you have a talent that makes the mastery also work for both distances from beacon and yourself?

you just proven how inconvenient that stat is.

go place 5 people in 5 yards of each other away from you, and log the heal on each target, u’ll see how it decays and how effective it is the farther it goes.

it is based on proximity ^

  • seen it
  • tested
  • deemed it unworthy

I haven’t played holy in pvp this season but I’ve played holy in pvp for many seasons in the past.

I like haste over mastery because you can feel it more. But our mastery is really strong right now with how beacon works.


It was a great Mastery, but it was made at Cataclysm – when healer throughput was intended to be Mana Intensive or Slow. This is really different from the fast-pacing healing of today!

The problem with frequent Absorptions is that, eventually, healers will get overgeared and basically prevent most if not all incoming damage. I raided Hellfire Citadel in WoD with a Holy Paladin and, if you had a Discipline Priest on your group, the other healers were pratically not healing outside of raid-wide mechanics.

That’s why Absorptions became rarer in Legion and Healers gained more complex DPS rotations.

This constant struggle of finding a point where Healers need to heal, without having to create quasi-one shot mechanics, is still here in Mythic+ and you might’ve noticed it if you played the last seasons.

TL;DR: Paladin absorptions were too good when overgeared and outclassed most other healers out of their jobs.

I absolutely loved H Paladin mastery back then. I forgot which raid it was, but the big bug with the constant AOE. I would just pop a shield on rotation to every person in the raid and shred the meters. So much fun.

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Heh? As hpal?? That’s fried bro. In any expansion lol. Its always been either Crit or Mastery for hpal the last 10 years otherwise ya trollin.

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If youre running light smith its haste/crit/vers/mas

Uh no. Mastery is PERFECT as is for holy.

Idk you’re kinda outnumbered.


Not really. All holy paladins agree with me, they just don’t type it out loud on the internet.

General Rule…

Different people have different mileage, everyone will give you a different answer.

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Clearly not ALL Hpals agree with you, because here a solid lot of us are, voicing our disagreement. Some agree with you, many disagree.

Just because its over the internet doesn’t mean its grounds for disregardment. That’s just cope. What do you expect? Every hpal in the world coordinate a meet-up irl somewhere and just to discuss the mathematics of our class? Is that the only circumstance where you would consider valid opinions? Get outta heeeeeeeaaaaaa.


Wrong. All holy paladins do agree with me. Literally all of them. Nice try though. Go watch some skillcapped videos if you can’t figure that and more out on your own. You’re the one coping and huffing the gases.

0/10 rage bait
Mastery should be
% of Damage converted to splash healing
With the rest of our abilities being far better single target healing.

Want more AOE healing? Mastery. Want to boost that further, vers to make you do more damage, but you still need haste, Crits would be good too. Want better single target? Then probably more vers and crit.
This wouldn’t make one state farr more important than any other which would be cool

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Half of this suggestion is odd and random.