HPal holy power spender for 2handers

Please add something. You seem deadset on giving us two handed int weapons and I’m perfectly fine using them. However hpals are constrained to shields because of SotR. Paladins have been asking for this for years. Make divine storm require a two hander or something and tune it comparatively to SotR. Now is the time since there are a ton of paladin changes in this build.


Templars verdict imo

It should be Light of Dawn baseline.

Light of Dawn is unique to Holy, it should have it’s unique visual flare, it essentially is SotR but with more range, so be easy to implement and longer range I think is vital and needed. LoD is 15 yards vs Melee SotR (basically ontop of the target). This gives us a way to continue to dps while dodging mechanics or when it’s too dangerous to be in melee. Our dps output is horrible. They can buff SotR to the high heavens but still be in the same situation where we can’t get in to SotR our dps is nonexistent.

  • Prot - SotR
  • Ret - DS
  • Holy - LoD

Each spec has its own unique visual flare, I think specs should have similar abilities e.g Crusader Strike, Judgment and Hammer of Wrath but still have its own unique flare differentiating each from each other.

SotR is clunky, can be used out of range, whiffs a lot when moving and chasing packs. LoD is the perfect replacement, and the bonus heals it gives to those in front, while it’s really not much, would be appreciated.

LoD is a far superior spender then SotR…, I really want SotR to go. LoD also removes the ridiculous requirement of having to use a Shield. Let the player decide wether to use a 1h/shield or 2h.

I only say storm because SotR is aoe. Templars verdict is single target? I mean they can do whatever honestly, just want the ability to use 2handers.

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I like the LoD idea best. It would feel more fitting for a holy paladin to contribute more damage with holy magic than by bashing things with their shield or weapon. They use their weapon but it’s not their strong point.

LoD also needs a stronger use in the kit currently.

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