Hpal Holy Light - 16k mana

Why does Holy light cost 16k mana?

Am I missing something here? Maybe Devs accidentally added an extra 0?

No, holy light has been the mana intensive spell in beta for weeks now, since the 2nd rework.

You’ll OOM if you spam holy light. It’s only worth casting during divine favor. Hits like a truck though.

It does feel a little odd going from half cost 50% HP, to lots of Mana low healing, while flash sots there being weak and free.

I enjoy what’s going on though

Holy Light’s cast time reduced, mana cost and healing increased. It looks more powerful and like the original way it used to be. I think this change makes sense.

The spec feels closer to Legion in design, which is fantastic.

Flash of Light feels like it’s hardly worth using, which is bizarre. Holy Shock and WoG cover enough that it only really feels like you need to use Holy Light with infusions, and the raw output of it easily outpaces the mana cost.

Flash is still the option when you need to heal but also save mana

from my perspective fl is more common sense to use, vs hl. the amount of mana you would save with fol vs hl is a fair amount. plus the ratio from hps generation vs mana consumption is staggering. fl heals for roughly 54k at a cost of 4500k mana, vs hl sitting at 84k, at a cost of 16k mana. I can cast fol 3 times over and generate more hps at the same mana cost for hl, if not more.

I will say though, it feels a bit odd without glimmer but I believe when tww comes out, perhaps the hero talents will bridge it better? im not sure but I do think we need a little buff on some of these spells.

The also changed infusion. That with favor makes holy light heal a ton. Like it absolutely trucks.