Parabellum is a horde guild on US Zul’jin currently looking for competent raiders who are aspiring to be part of a group with the goal of achieving CE this tier and moving forward into Shadowlands. We are largely 21+ adults with RL commitments and limited time to game. With a two day schedule we seek like minded individuals who are fun to play with and know how to prepare and focus for the final bosses of Ny’alotha during our limited time together.
Mythic Schedule:
Tuesdays 7:15pm - 9:30pm EST
Fridays 7:15pm - 10:30pm EST
Optional Heroic Raid:
Saturdays 7:15pm - 10:30pm EST, alts and friends
To view openings please refer to wowprogress
www.wowprogress (add dot)com/guild/us/zul-jin/P+A+R+A+B+E+L+L+U+M
Accepting qualified raiders only. To apply, please contact our officers. We will review logs and players on a case-by-case basis:
Rem: Bnet - JSteeze#1741, Discord: JT Money#2831
Crog: Bnet - Bob#12238, Discord: Crognar#4609
Zeb: Bnet - Mayhem#1512, Discord: Zeb#6886