Just what the topic says-- wondering how the RP is these days on MG? Is Horde-side still pretty sparse or has it recovered somewhat? Alliance side? (I know Alliance on WRA has seemingly died and I’m hoping it’s not the case here). What’s the best way to connect with the RP crowd again after years away?
Thanks in advance!
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I came over here from WrA about a month ago and there’s a ton of RP on Alliance-side at least. Quality varies but that’s nothing new.
Biggest difference I have seen are these big meta projects like Grand Alliance and Stormwind Law Project. I don’t recall WrA ever having stuff like that.
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Both sides have great RP.
Horde takes a bit more to find, but I think it is more quality than quantity.
Alliance is mass numbers grab and you have to wade through a lot of deep … water … to find the good stuff.
Yes WRA was specifically -against- server-wide/meta stuff if I remember correctly. I logged on to my old alts on WRA ally side to see what I had in my bank there and it was really quiet-- pretty sad, but at least MG seems to still have a lively RP community, so that’s good news.
Trying to RP on Moon Guard Horde can be… rough to say the least.
Unfortunately, Horde’s population is fairly small despite the server’s best efforts to draw people in; if you don’t have an active guild, or if you prefer walk-up RP, there isn’t much to work with.
People will gather around the northern Orgrimmar tavern, and some manage to try and drum up actual RP over in Silvermoon… but outside of peak hours it’s rather quiet. Oftentimes this systemic lack of RP lead to me logging in, seeing nobody was around, and simply logging off; people’ can claim that “Horde isn’t dead”, but it… kind of is outside RP events.
This however has created a tight-knit community (while can be nice, isn’t always a good thing IMO) in which RP events and RP campaigns are plentiful… as far as those go, you’ll almost always have something to do. As well, the new expansion will be launching soon, so the population will definitely see a surge of players returning once more and a good chunk may decide to stay.
And as a random blurb; lore is a lot less strict over here, which is nice 99% of the time and allows people to flourish with character ideas; as an example, this character is basically a void creature soulbound to a mortal form (although the model looks a lot less accurate OOC).
Anyhow! As for connecting to other players, I suggest one of the numerous Discords, since it is the standard for people to keep up these days. You can find a thread on those over here: MG Channel/Discord Server Listing Thread ←
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So this server would be more accepting, say, of a DH character with a satyr-soul he bound to him as part of the Illidari demon soul eating ritual they go through? I had a -really- hard time on WRA getting anyone to think that concept was lore-friendly, even though it seemed it was according to what I read about Demon Hunters (please correct me if I’m wrong).
I also sorta have an idea for Horde side of a cowboy-esque Forsaken hunter who lived and died in Westfall and still retains some of that mentality in undeath. I’m a sucker for weird west stuff so…
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That DH idea doesn’t sound even remotely out-of-field. I myself had a DH bound to a fel-corehound, and one bound to a voidstalker. Neither of them got any funny looks OOC.
I… actually know somebody with an alt like that. Small world!
The only thing I could see with the satyr soul, is the technicality that a satyr isn’t a true demon, but an altered Night Elf.
We know a good chunk of the Legion where born in the Twisting Nether. They’re existence is a totally different concept that a Fel corrupted, like a satyr. So the soul you’d of consumed would of been simply a Fel corrupted Night Elf.
Logically that would beg the question, would you of gained that much power for it.
This is just a logical process here, I really wouldn’t care less about it if someone RPed it. We’re all here to have fun so do what you feel. 
That’s the thing: He WAS a fel corrupted night elf (tricked into drinking the tained Moonwell water–former druid) who joined the Illidari/Illidan’s forces because he absolutely HATED the Legion after what they’d done to him. He basically had to wrangle his own corrupted soul and gain mastery over it again (“I devoured my own soul” more or less)
I never play OP characters regardless (the “would he have gained much power because of it” )-- RP-wise I play him as more of a rogue-type with some fel-infused powers. He’s not any level of ULTRA-BADASS or anything, or an edgelord of GRIMDARK POWER. He’s a snarky tree hugger hermit when not in a direct confrontation with some nasty threat.
After the Legion was defeated, he basically went back to doing clean-up duty in the forests for any fel creatures that may have escaped (that’s my IC-excuse as to what he was doing in BFA and SL since I didn’t really play either of those longer than a few weeks, I just REALLY didn’t like them). Maybe DF will give some IC reason he’s crawled back out of the woods. I’ve actually had the character since just before WOTLK. I originally played in on Cenarion Circle as a hermit druid-turned-hunter trying to safeguard Ashenvale from the Orcs who kept insisting on trying to get in there for supplies/to take out the Nelfs. It was during an RP storyline in the RP guild I was in at the time when he got corrupted.
Moved to WRA initially in Cata because I had some friends jumping ship to there–CC was a dying RP community by that time (was a great tight-knit community for the first several years but it was just a really small server and kept getting smaller). Took MOP-WOD off because I had a new baby to care for. Came back in Legion and re-rolled him as a DH because it just really seemed to fit better for the character. Really enjoyed Legion, but BFA and SL fell totally flat for me, especially since all my old friends had stopped playing some years prior-- WRA’s community was always kinda hard to break into anyway and I just never found any traction there.
Edit: sorry for the multi-edits. On my phone and it’s awful trying to type a full response on.
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Your good on the edits lol, but atleast you have him flushed out. Some people may still be hesitant until you explain it so you seem prepared for it.
Regardless, as long as you’re having fun. I doubt anyone will really have any problems with your character.
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