How's the Horde population doing on Moonguard?

Is it still the “Wyrmrest for Horde, Moonguard for Alliance?” Thinking about faction changing for a while but if I could save some money, the better.

It’s active and kicking. Much of the rp happens in the world, inside guilds, and at campaigns. There is less random walk up rp than found in Stormwind, that does not mean there is a problem with the faction.

To help you find connections into the Horde RP community I recommend joining an active rp guild and this discord:

Here are a few screenshots taken recently of Horde RP on MG.


I would def recommend making a character to give it a shot first! A try before you buy sorta deal. You can get pretty much all of your mogs at level 10 so your character won’t look like poop at a low level lol. Some of us are ok with the smaller pop, but going from SW rp to Org rp would undoubtedly be incredibly jarring.


I appreciate it but I haven’t been really RPing lately, it’s more about how lively the server feels I guess, but that’s awesome.

Took your advice and yeah, the server looks a bit empty, especially when compared to Moonguard’s Stormwind, think it might be worth just moving over to Wyrmrest, I love the “city’s full” feel.

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It really depends on what kind of roleplay and other content as well. MG-H has a really solid community, WRA seems to have more walk up rp. The biggest thing is though that every server creates the environment it wants with contribution from its members! MG and WRAa are both servers with many great people to walk up rp with, it is up to YOU to determine how you can positively influence each server! Hope you have a fantastic day!

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Really depends on what you’re into and what you’re looking for.

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Join a good guild on MG Horde and the server feels alive and amazing. By that I mean a guild filled with people that actually talk, not just empty alt guilds.

The MG Horde people are great and the community is strong and active. Quality over quantity where it really matters.

The average Joe Bloggs on MG Horde still knows how to make a sentence and most of the names aren’t terrible. Can’t say the same for some of those high population servers.

Maybe it’s an acquired taste, but MG Horde is perfect and just the way I like it.

Are there still people running around in Orgrimmar like as big as Wrymrest Accord?

There is rp in Org, but its not like Stormwind. A lot of guilds base their rp in the open world. Why just rp in Org, when there are tons of options out there? MG Horde does a lot of world rp.


I see. Kind of like the Alliance in the way. I’ll have to check out the Horde Next.