Hows the faction balance now after the transfers?

I looked at and its saying EF is fairly close to 45/55 Horde favored but read somewhere Alliance actually outnumbers Horde by 3:1. What can someone actually expect here?

Some recent Horde xferrs have skewed the balance in favor of the Horde, but before that, this server was fairly well balanced.

All in all, with the recent influx of Hordies, we Gneed more Gnomes here, because they are Awesome and Cool, as well as the Alliance version of UD; great PvP racials, super friendly to own faction, super toxic to other faction.

It’s 40% - 45% alliance and 60% - 55% horde now. We had a mass horde transfer from the Incendius realm to here.

Geofram - I plan to level and PVP with my gnome on here now to see what it’s like on the other side.

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Don’t tell me you’re leaving, Moo!

I mean, what will I do when I want a burger? =P

Nah I’m not leaving with Mootwo. After months and months of working to hit rank 14 (which I should today) I’m just not going to know what to do with myself anymore. So, outside of raids and farming I’m also going to play on my alliance character and see how you all do it.


What server will you be playing your Gnome on?

It’s already on Earthfury. I have two accounts.


What’s your Gnome’s name and class? Let me know if you ever need a Tank for dungeons.

Geofram I’ll message you in game and put you on my friends list.