Hows the Alliance community here?

I want to try Alliance on ED. Is the community there active?

From a certain perspective, red is the new blue :wink:

Though its healthy. I can’t speak for them but I know they are doing pretty well. Im sure one will chime in sooner or later on more detail.

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We do have some cross-faction events coming up in Oct - Barge Bash run by Goblins from several different servers and then a Halloween Festival!

There are definitely some good guilds on Alliance side and a bar night every Tuesday run by Baast.

And a forum post that helped to put information together on various guilds:

One way to find your way around Emerald Dream guilds is to check out this spreadsheet by Aeriara!
Link – bit. ly / edguilds (take out the spaces)

and of course there is the alliance discord - msg me on discord for more information: Winter#3381

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Thank you so much! I’ll check this out :smiley: