How's single minded fury (SMF) in TWW?

I’ve been drafted to tank next season. I really don’t feel like futzing around with getting two 2h weapons for my DPS set. Since 1h weaps seem to drop like candy and not a lot of classes like to use them, I was thinking on going SMF for my DPS spec.

How’s SMF looking in TWW? Is it a huge drop off? or is it close enough for a DPS spec that’s only rarely used?

Last I checked, which admittedly was several builds ago, it was about 5% behind (accounting for the talent change), and I believe that should narrow slightly after some of the later builds changes. That may fluctuate further if there are any special effect 1hrs though.

Oh neat! Ya know… thats good enough for me. Like I said its going to be off-spec, and only used when someone else wants to tank. So I’m not so preoccupied with being “optimal” Just prefer not to be so far behind that I’m more of a hinderance.

If that makes sense?


Doh! forgot to swap to my warrior for this

Just get one 2 hander and go arms. I’m sure if you’re tanking someone will trade you a weapon.

Also, be dynamic with your loot spec. If a boss doesn’t drop a 1hander, shield, tank trinket then set your loot spec to arms.