Hows leveling as Resto Druid?

Necrolord leather on a big Tauren is :ok_hand: but I don’t want to be some dumb blue starry Tauren anymore. Is leveling as resto painful or not much different than leveling as balance?

If you level in dungeons resto is super easy


Depends on how you level. If you’re doing dungeons it’s easy mode. If you are questing it’s still easy but takes longer. I leveled in resto with feral affinity, made killing things easier (imo) than balance affinity.

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I’ve recently levelled an alt doing pure restro.

I don’t play much healer, usually just kinda in the lull points of hte game like now when theres not much to do on my main. I did struggle a bit early levels as restro - esp as horde and getting the starter BFA horde dungeon over and over. Can’t recall the name of the dungeon but the second boss with the three totems was pretty damn annoying. I didn’t struggle much as a priest recently doing those, but after getting a bit more spells it became easier to deal with

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Stuff will die slow. Why not level as guardian?


For open world leveling, it wont be hard, but it will be slow. As someone who did it for two expansions, I would recommend against it.

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I just leveled one resto the whole way up about a week ago. Pre 50 is super easy and pre 30-40 is almost as fast as boomkin.
Once you hit shadowlands you kill exponentially slower though. I did mostly dungeons 50-60 and that was better.

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At least kill quests go quickly. Just throw out some HoTs on nearby questers and ride some coattails.

( That’s how I do some quests as a healer at least :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Not as easy as leveling a restoration shaman but easier than leveling a holy priest.

In short, go boomie (stats on gear are nearly identical), and just swap back and forth.

If you REALLY want to level all the way up in restoration, I recommend feral affinity. You will have the most ease AS A RESTO DRUID if you use the feral abilities for damaging in quests.

The onboard UI doesn’t show you combo points in restoration (which baffles me), so I recommend a good weak aura set so you can see your combo points leveling in feral. Luxthos’ wa’s show then, and if you want something lighter, you can get basic feral affinity auras that only show the combo points and energy bar.

I leveled my first druid in resto w/feral affinity, and it was cake. I leveled my second swapping back and forth between restoration for healing dungeons and boomie for world content. It was also cake (but faster).


It sucks. Most of the quests I end up piggy backing off the other people there. When you gotta fill a meter to 100% and you get 3% a kill it takes forever solo.

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With Feral Affinity, you don’t need agl gear as a resto cat.

Rotation for Feral Affinity

  1. Rotation for Feral Affinity
    One important thing to note is that you will receive 104% of your Intellect as Attack Power at all times. While technically your Cat Form and Bear Form abilities scale only from Attack Power, this conversion makes you scale very well from Intellect. It also means that Rake and Rip will deal full damage even when you are not in Cat or Bear forms.


If your class can tank you should level as tank. Dungeons are instant queues and quests can be done in seconds; pull everything, use a cd and aoe.

Heal dungeons and it’s quick leveling.
I didn’t get my 100 Quests Achievement till I was nearly capped.
That was in BFA.

I like how Druid has so many options. It’s definitely feels like a more “complete” class compared to my other alts.

I don’t know about others but I prefer to level in the spec I’m going to play end game with. So any healer I level is questing in their healer spec. I also do all my end game world quests in healer spec. It does take longer with some but with feral affinity it is easier.

But I’m old school, I don’t change specs, like ever.

I used to always level as my end spec as well for quest rewards and loot drops in dungeons. Now that so much gear swaps primary stats when I swap specs I don’t feel the need to stick to one while leveling.

I main resto druid… you’ll be fine. Especially now that tagging is faction wide. If you drop your shroom before you make your pulls it lets everyone around you questing know you’re resto. :wink:

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For me it’s just easier to maintain my memory of keybinds. I get all kinds of messed up even just swapping between two healer classes! Lol. Even when I try to keep keybinds the same between them as much as possible.

But by all means ppl should level and spec swap all they want/need to to make things easier or more enjoyable for themselves!

I just boomie for quests and switch to resto for dungeons and BGs, just use whatever INT gear you come across or heirlooms if ya got em. Then at 60 you can visit the career counselor in Ardenweald and decide what to do with your life.

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Shouldn’t be bad at all.

Either heal dungeons or do world content with feral affinity, master shapeshifter, and war mode on.