How's everyone doing today?

It’s Monday, but it’s almost 5PM, so y’know, I’m aight.


Today requires more moonkin dancing.

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i feel hateful
our group home staff member says we can’t use one of the bathrooms and he pisses on the seat and floor of the one he says we can use
hate that guy


I’ve had some better days. My jerkface half feral cat made a jailbreak over the weekend. She bit the back of my hand when I tried to bring her inside and punctured a tendon. Hurts like hellfire to bend my hand to grip anything, and of course it’s the dominant hand that was wounded. Playing the gimp game IRL and working at about 3/4 capacity while it heals. She’s still out there terrorizing the world, which also annoys me. I despise our neighbors who let their cats roam free and kill our songbirds and/or contribute to over population in our area. In fact, this cat was from an oops litter that was born under our deck last summer. :expressionless: We kept one and took the remaining 6 to the shelter.

Now my snot is a contributing part of the bird murder problem. At least she’s fixed though so no baby no-no issues. It’s a good thing she’s cute, otherwise I’d turn her into mittens. Mood all day has been:

Solid 3/10, so not too bad.