Hows Elden Ring?

It’s suuuuuuuch a good quest line too. My only qualm is that the translations were done poorly from Japanese to English because a lot of what a certain person says makes little sense…then you find out what they’re supposed to say. Makes me wish they’d fix stuff like that in an update. Overall the game is just…amazing. I can’t recall the last time a console game has held my attention for this long.


Yeah I remember going down the elevator and just being blown away by the sights and mysteries. Another reason why I love the game is because the mysteries and the way it rewards exploration / finding the answers is it makes me feel like WoW did when I first started playing. This massive world with insurmountable challenges.

Now when a new expansion comes out I just cheese my way through the leveling and linear story / world and turn my brain off to music just to get to the meat of content which is typically only found in dungeons and raids. This game puts so much emphasis on the WORLD that even though I’m trash and dying thousands of times and running away from stuff, it’s been such a wild adventure.


Personally I lost interest in other open world games.

I now dislike quest markers or anything that spoils the mystery of Exploration.

Elden ring is a game that I will play forever :sweat_smile:


I admit to becoming a little too obsessed with perfecting my character and their stats and gear and ignoring progression at a certain point lol. I think I’m level 150, but I haven’t even made it out of the capital and onto the mountaintops lol


They paid Asmongold to promote it, you know it’s a trash game

96% at metacritic. Unlikely.


To be fair, unless you’re talking about the first port of DS1 (in which KB+M implementation was awful unless you modded it,) it doesn’t really matter if you use controller or not. Either works equally well in the PC ports.

The problem is that the DS games frequently dropped or delayed inputs during enemy animations, especially with combination inputs. I did enough testing on DS1 and 3 with Autohotkey and controller automation to confirm that the input drops definitely do occur with either KB+M or controller and are not the result of user error (at least on PC—I’ve never tested on console.) “Gitting gud” in those games consists largely in learning to avoid doing things that are supposed to work but don’t.

That said, Sekiro was the first Soulsbourne game I played that didn’t suffer from those issues. Platinumed it fine with KB+M with only one very minor complaint with deflect in certain, rare situations. I haven’t had a chance to fire up my Elden Ring, yet, but Sekiro gives me hope that it is likewise bug-free.

But yeah, Z-targeting is an unfortunate relic of JRPGs that really ought to be retired. Just let us strafe, already, without the ridiculous lock-on.

Exactly, I do my Zereth Mortis dailies and cry on the inside, just wanting to get it over with so I can play more Elden Ring. I hate it cause I feel like WoW has such potential but the developers just don’t know how to make a fun engaging game. Overcoming Tree Sentinel with 2hrs of death will stick with me longer than 3yrs of the Mawsworn and Zovaal the Banished Trash.

Something I can’t get over is how when faced with Margit, I don’t know much but from what I understand he says “Foul tarnished. Someone must extinguish thy flame.” He’s basically saying he’s gonna make you give up or kill you here so you’re no longer a threat. This is like a freaking prologue boss saying this. Meanwhile we got Mastermind Zovaal over here with the literal power to defeat us just by saying “kneel” and he chooses to ignore us time and again and let us get away for literally no good reason. It’s beyond stupid.


I didn’t had time to try the game. Since the last Amazon game was a huge disappointment I’m taking my time in trying this new game.

Keep in mind the creator has already made several well proclaimed masterpieces previous to this one.
Definitely not the first rodeo.


I played for an hour last night.

I quit. I realized I was legitimately angry.

So I uninstalled.

It’s not for me.

i like it i mean i can literally farm runes and level up and out level w.e. boss im trying to fight so i don’t get hammered. tried beating the margit and yea it was hard for my level plus i don’t play souls games so its not like im good at dodging. furthest i got was 20% but made a mage and pretty much didn’t even get hit.

Whoever flagged my post must be maidenless. :stuck_out_tongue:


12 Million copies sold worldwide during the first two weeks. Success!

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I tried a couple of Dark Souls games, had trouble with the trash and just could not even get close to getting past some minor boss thing.

They are just way too hard for me.

So as soon as I heard people comparing it to Dark Souls, it was an easy pass! :wink:

110 hours in and lots of stuff pending do to already. Not even close to finishing…I like exploring every nook and cranny, and upgrading most of the weapons. It’s a masterpiece, but this comes from a huge From Software fan!

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The game has been really fun so far. I think I am close to the end. I am on the second Godfrey fight.

I am just happy to be past the Fire Giant. I can’t express how much pain that boss put me through, always standing out of reach on a rock :sob:

It’s great, beat it on two different characters, one faith and one sorcery, faith was rough until you get the blasphemous blade, you can weapon art radagon in to the shadow realm with it.

Playing sorcerer was a breeze, I rock slinged my way through most of the boss, and comet azur all of end game.