Hows Elden Ring?

It’s a pretty souls like. People seem to love it. I am more inclined to watch people play souls games because I really don’t have the patience for them myself, anymore.


I was never in to Souls-like games because I always had a hard time with them. The one thing that really put me off on them are the hardcore fans of them; they all say the same dumb things.

“Huehue u just suck git gud is the best advice I have!”
“Of course the plot is confusing, it shouldn’t hold yer hand!”
“HAHAHA You picked THAT class? Wow you suck!”

I could never get in to them because my idea of having a good time isn’t being punished for playing the dang game.


It’s a beautiful game.

Also very accessible like you can summon NPCs to help you in boss fights

Or upto 2 players to help you kill a boss

Exploration is very rewarding

Game gets easier as your skills develop

Like I died to Margit 52 times in my first character

I killed him in 1st try on my second character

So it levels you up and makes you feel like how far you have come. The feeling of growth


It’s a game that proves Miyazaki just has a fetish for three things. Poison swamps. Crabs and now lobsters.

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I was riding in the waters of leurnia lake and Bam !! Suddenly a lobster grabs me :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Worst are those hands in Caria Manor

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This is OP playing Elden Ring :point_down::point_down:



How bullheaded are you?

Because it is rage quit hard but whether you actually rage quit or choose to channel your frustration into something more productive like, say, threatening your nephew with various painful maimings if he keeps trying to reclaim the controller every freakin time you die, leaving you with a clear head and steady hand for the game, will depend more on that.

A Masterpiece.
Traditional/Modern RPG in every sense.


I’ve been playing Samurai and its been a blast. It legit feels like Sekiro in a Dark Souls setting.


If you primarily enjoy LFR but hesitate to play in even normal raiding in WoW or cannot beat Mage tower then ER is prob not for you. But it’s gorgeous and awestriking when it comes to a game.

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I have cleared Limgrave and The Lakes (First two zones) 100% and started the third zone and I have 64 hours in one save already.

You’re technically not suppose to 100% a zone before moving on, most people maybe do 1/3 of the bosses in Limgrave before Godrick if I had to guess but I did all 36 then Godrick.

The game has two versions of easy mode, sorcery and bleed builds. As a Sadist I am playing a full faith build.

12/10 would suggest playing.

I’ve only played Elden Ring for a few hours but… it was amazing. If you like the souls games, if you like metroid vania style games… give it a shot. It’s absurdly good for what little experience I’ve had. But I have friends who’ve already played it for over a hundred hours and they still can’t get enough…

Play it!

Never heard of it.
I did trip over Eve Online so I have been dabbling with that. It’s different for sure and I still haven’t decided if it is for me or not. If you give it a go, do not take your newbro butt out to .4 space for some mining. You better be using D-Scan if in .4 or lower and if you see something coming you better get out of there. Mining is incredibly boring so it’s probably good people are out there trying to kill them.

edit: In my opinion mining in Eve Online is worse than fishing in wow. Ten times worse actually because I can handle fishing.

Eve is very pretty. Eve can be pretty fun at times too. And then there’s the rest of the time when it’s pretty boring. I get into it every few years for awhile. But I lack the social ties that’d keep me around and exploring further. I would need to shop around and find a corp in nullspace at this point to do something new, and you know that’ll be hit or miss. so I’ll probably just…let it train skills in the background for awhile until I get to the day months from now where I wonder why I’m still paying again.

Elden ring has been fun, but I’ve never really played a souls game before. I have no idea what I’m doing. I did some questing, some farming, some wandering around. Beat some things, but really took me looking towards a walkthrough to have an idea of where to go/what to do. You get loosely based “guidance” in game but I needed more than that.

But hey, I’ve been having fun and gotten a solid 25 hours played probably on it by now. I may not finish it, since if I hit a brick wall at some point it may not be worth getting passed it. I’ll have to see how I feel if/when I hit the wall. But even if I don’t finish, I would still say I got my money’s worth out of it.

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It’s like the only big game to come out in the past five years to actually feel finished and polished, and is totally worth every penny you pay for it.

The amount of awe and wonder in the game makes me very cynical at the state of modern gaming, and how depressingly awful and trivial everything else is in comparison.


Wait, there are 36 bosses in Limgrave ?? :scream::scream:

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There is! If you include the weeping peninsula.

There is also like 34 in the Lakes. There is ALOT of content people are skipping because its optional or hidden.

Actually there is 38 total in Limgrave.

In progressional order of difficulty.

Soldier of Godrick
Demi-Human Chiefs
Burial Tree Watchdog
Beastman of Farum Azula
Stonedigger Troll
Grave Warden Duelist
Bloody Finger
Guardian Golem
Black Knife Assassin
Recusant Henricus
Mad Pumpkin Head
Night’s Calvary
Tree Sentinel
Flying Dragon Agneel
Tibia Mariner
Anastasia, Tarnished Easter
Bloodhound Darriwil
Crucible Knight
Bell Bearing Hunterr
Old Knight Istvan
Ulcerated Tree Spirit (Folkhero’s Grave)
Ulcerated Tree Spirit (Stormveil Castle)
Crucible Knight (Stormveil Castle)
Grafted Scion
Margit, The Fell Omen

I didn’t include Weeping Peninsula but there are 10 with the Leonine Misbegotten being a quest line boss.

I cleared WP before Godrick because Godrick was a hassle as a faith build with limited spells.

I got to lvl44 before entering the Lakes and 67 before leaving the Lakes with little to no farming.

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Thanks Thallia!
Blizz made a forum just for you, guys. Use it.


I give it a 10/10 for scenery.
8/10 for mechanics. It loses 2 points because they hide important feedback behind ambiguity. I get that my parry timing isn’t perfect, but am I too fast, or too slow? You’re showing me debuff/buff markers near my hitpoint bar but have no tool-tips or symbol chart anywhere to explain what the hell they mean.

I give it a 2/10 for controls. It was very obviously designed for consoles and console control systems and playing with KB+M is very frustrating. At least you can rebind your attack keys unlike the Dark Souls games, but they really really need to uncouple target switching with your view controls, and uncouple dodge with sprint. Sprint needs to be a separate keypress option.

I’ve died so many times trying to change my view and end up targeting some random goat instead of the thing trying to kill me, or trying to sprint away only to roll and get smacked…

Death I don’t mind. But dying because I’m fighting the controls and not the boss is frustration.

When I finally figure out what the story is I’ll give that feedback as well.

Maaan…I missed so many of the ones you shared in the list :no_mouth::no_mouth:

Nvm…will save them for next playrhrough

I need to explore this game better