In official hardcore launch first toon was a super cute b2 dwarf priest.
Died in gnomer. We were at the door to last boss. Warlock in the group insisted on completing his stupid quest to loot the lockers. Ends up pulling mobs on upper level. We got overwhelmed.
I had light of elune but goofed it up when a dwarf laid a mine at my feet. I instincly stepped aside and cancelled my hearth and i knew then it was over. The mobs regrouped on me and i was killed prettt quickly.
Still mad about that one.
Warrior is 39 right now, another cute dwarf b2. Just got my WW sword (shut up). A really good run so far.
Ran my lvl 58 druid into that pack of scarlet crusade elites that wanders the path in EPL cuz I was distracted
i ran into a cave lvl 40 in STV and said hmm nothing interesting here, not 2 seconds after I said that to myself 10 mobs and an elite spawned on top of me, I must of just come in behind a group that cleared this cave, so take it from me people, just stay away from caves.
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My rogue was stun-locked from 2 water elementals in a Thousand Needles.
Karma it would seem…
yup, empty caves are scarier than full caves
Ive died twice in HC, both druids, the first was trying to solo Den Mother at 16 or 18 (got cocky), the second was trying to finish quests in Gnomer after the group split duoing with a rogue at 32 or 4 (again, got cocky).
I’m currently 54 on druid and while I still get cocky, I’m working on being less so.
Nearly died this morning on my 48 war. Pulled 2 turtles on the beach out in Tanaris, as one does and my game froze and crashed.
I was like whelp, thats a ripbozo. I closed game, logged back in. One turtle was dead and the other was still eating my cookies. I feared him and ran away at 300hp.
And so my QT b2 dwarf warrior lives to fight another day.
Aint hardcore wow fun!!
Doing the link chain quest in the graveyard. I figured they would have fixed it so you don’t die but just get the quest auto completed. I was wrong and now I’m ded. Go again!
Well you see, there was this cave… and my name is accurate