How would you want Dark Ranger playable?

I vote class skin for Belf hunters.

This is an interesting idea but iā€™m not sure they would fit into any class but Hunter. Probably as a 4th spec, some type of shadow specā€¦

The only other way they work is as a Hero Classā€¦but it is hard to assign them more then one role which of course would be DPS, they donā€™t work as either a tank or a healer that i can see.

Hero Classes as a concept died after Wrath. Hero Class hasnā€™t been used officially or discussed by Blizzard since then unless itā€™s to discuss why they stopped using it. Monks nor Demon Hunters are referred to as or are considered Hero Classes. That concept is dead.

Also Dark Rangers arenā€™t a class. Theyā€™re more of a race.

Banshees that happen to be Marksman Hunters is what a Dark Ranger is.

Rangers in WoW are not like Rangers in D&D. Sorry folks. That Aragorn, Drizzt, D&D Ranger thingy, doesnā€™t really exist in WoW.

Iā€™d rather have Warden, Necromancer, or Tinker. Something with a little more existence in WoW lore.

Either a new hero class or most races getting their own sub hero class for each class like belfs could have 2. dark rangers would have banshee form travel while regular rangers have the one running move that dark rangers can no longer use being dead.

then the trolls would have head hunter

orcs would have the orge orcs

And so on for most races. Some may not get any i donā€™t know what kinda new minor spec goblins or gnomes could have, but pandas could have sone kinda new spec for monks. Belfs could get the melee mages spell breakers what ever you want to call them. Nelfs would get the wardens
Blade master or what ever they were called for orcs

I donā€™t know where you got this from, but DH is listed as the second Hero class almost ANYWHERE you look, just type in Hero Class and it will always come up with DK.

For me personally i would prefer Tinkerer and or Blademaster, but i think Tinkerer as only the second ranged physical damage class to be put in the game (next to Hunter) would make more sense and fill a better spot then another melee class like Blademaster.

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Just to share some insight into classes, randomly and off topic a bit, things like Blademaster, Warden, and even Demon Hunter initially according to Kevin Jordan, the guy who designed the classes in Classic WoW, said were going to be a special upgraded version of a class for each race. Dwarf Warriors would turn into Mountain Kings. Demon Hunters were going to be Night Elf Warriors. So forth. They scrapped that idea because Kevin had too much on his hands already.

They ā€œcouldā€ make anything into itā€™s own class. Theyā€™d just have toā€¦ simply make it. Itā€™s whether or not that fantasy is covered to the MAJORITY, if there is a lot of room for it, and if the class roster is needing it.

Every single added class to the game has been Melee.

Iā€™d think itā€™d be time for a ranged DPS class to be introduced for a first timeā€¦ Since Vanilla.

14 Melee DPS specs.
11 Ranged DPS specs.

6 tanks. 5 healers.

A class that introduces 2 ranged DPS specs and 1 Healing spec would be a balanced addition to the game.

Also look at armor.

3 plate wearers
2 mail
4 leather
3 cloth

So a mail wearer, 2 ranged DPS, and 1 healing spec.


Should be another Hunter spec, since they ruined ā€œsurvivalā€ making it ā€œmelee.ā€

Making a Hunter spec ā€œmeleeā€, would be like suddenly switching Death Knight Frost spec to ā€œranged.ā€

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I couldnā€™t agree more. Nice write up.

Or Unholy ranged and finally giving Necromancer fantasy.

maybe Iā€™d play a dark ranger. I donā€™t know. It might collect dust though like my demon hunter and monk.

Good read. Iā€™ve been wanting a Mail-wearing Ranged based tinker class that utilized mech suits and maybe turrets for awhile now. Even base the specs like

Gnomish = Tank
Goblin Tech = Dps
Draenic = Healer.

I think this would be the best idea.

Iā€™d rather see a new spec for every single class than see a new class honestly. Also just introduce a new type of weapon that used to be in the game but was crapā€¦ Thrown weapons. Glaive throwers like Blood Elfs and Night Elves from Warcraft 3. As well as javelin throwers. Axe throwers for trolls. Cool stuff. Work new classes around this weapon too.

  • Druids- Serpent form spec (Druids of the Fang) or Wolf form spec (Druids of the Scythe; maybe would need some lore changes or additional lore to make room for this one)

  • Warrior- Skirmisher spec, Throws heavy weapons like javelins and axes.

  • Rogue- Nightblade spec, throws lighter weapons like daggers and maybe introduce stars/darts to the game for coolness factor.

  • Mage- Battle Mage spec, itā€™s actually a thing and there are many named Battle Mages and many NPCs of this sub-class that already exist. A melee mageā€¦

  • Warlock- Necromancer, just to put it to rest. All minions are now undead and, yada yada.

  • Priest- Lightsworn, shadow and light fused together to create a cool ranged DPS caster.

  • Hunter- Ranger, a class that fits the D&D ranger and Aragorn/Drizzt vibe. You can use bows only from afar, and when you get close you use swords or axes. Etc. This class should have a minor stealth of some type or some stealth mechanic. Not like rogues though. Creativity is needed here but Iā€™ve played plenty of games where stealth is not just invisibility.

  • Death Knight- Fire spec, a fire focused Death Knight.

  • Demon Hunter- Bulwark, glaive thrower spec.

  • Monk- Stormlord spec, a ranged DPS lightning shooting kung fu master.

  • Paladin- Inquisitor spec, a ranged DPS holy light caster, in heavy armor. Maybe uses thrown weapons?

  • Shaman- Overseer spec, a tank Shaman, who uses the elements to protect themselves and allies.

Just some ideas. Nothing serious. I know Blizzard or someone else could easily make something up better than myself but the point is to demonstrate that a 4th spec would be cool. If not I dreaded the Tinker and always wanted the Necromancer, but Iā€™ll settle for a Tinker class. I just think 4 new specs would be cool. Since they skipped 2 expansions for classes, this could make up for all of it.

I think making a sub rogue a ranged assassin class would be the best way to make dark ranger a thing.

The Hunter.

The cooler Hunter.

Probably a Hero class, itā€™s too different from a Hunter to be a spec; itā€™d be like calling Death Knights and Warriors similar since they both use swords.

  • Defiler/Necromancer (Ranged, Minions)
  • Grim (Ranged)
  • Reaper (Dual Wield One Handed)
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That still wouldnā€™t give people purple arrows.

Thatā€™s because sheā€™s a banshee. Yes. They could just make it up, but as of now what Sylvanas is displaying and what she is as a class is actually just a simple hunter.

She isnā€™t a ranger.

Her purple abilities and such are because her race. Not because her class. She couldā€™ve been a mage and still do the banshee scream. She couldā€™ve been a ROGUE in fact and instead of purple arrows purple daggers. She couldā€™ve been a Warrior, and only because sheā€™s a banshee can she WOOSh away.

Nothing in her previous or current life is a class learned ability.

I mean then we do have Death Knights. Theyā€™re a ā€œraceā€ basically of undead now. The Alliance have playable undead already in a sense therefore.

Theyā€™re given abilities technically because their race, being undead, and learning these abilities through that background.

Sylvanas and her fantasy as a ā€œDark Rangerā€ isnā€™t the same thing though.


Well anything can be made up, but currently all Dark Rangers are just Blood Elf rangers from Quel Thalas that fell to the Forsaken and are now under Sylvanasā€™s leadership.

That leaves no ā€œCURRENTā€ lore room for any other race to be that class.

Technically Gnomes can be shamans. Technically Blizzard can do as they please, but they try to stick to and expand the lore. There were Blood Elf Demon Hunters for example in TBC. Death Knights werenā€™t very strict in that they could technically have always been any race.

I get it why people want Dark Rangers, but peopleā€™s love of Sylvanas is going a little far into making an entire obscure class out of thin air.

We already have it established that a Dark Ranger is not a class, but rather banshees who have a background in being Rangers. With the logic that they could expand this, and honestly maybe they should though, then any race can and should be any class.

This is the same company that is enforcing Pathfinding. Please separate your desire, what you think Blizzard will do, and what you think Blizzard SHOULD do for the consumers via your consumer threat. These are 3 separate things.

ā€œI want to roleplay Sylvanas, devoid all logic and JUST make it happen. Anything can be made up. JUST DOOOOO IT!ā€

Fair enough I guess to demand this.

I just oppose this personally. I want the Cult of Personality over Sylvanas to dwindle away when Sylvanas hopefully gets killed in Shadowlands.

Pyro videos and Vulpera furry RP guilds will be your only safe spaces left.

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Surely assassination would be a better fit? Ranged weapons arenā€™t really the height of subtlety, but assassins use guns, bows, or throwing weapons as often as melee weaponsā€¦ maybe more often. Easier to assassinate people when you donā€™t need to get so close.

Dark rangers have been wanted for a very very long time even before sylvanas was a love or hate character. I never mentioned sylvanas though so not sure why you are coming at me so aggressively lol.

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