How would you rework arms warrior?

its obvious it needs one ig

Remove juggernaut and buff execute to compensate. Other than that just start removing or lowering the ridiculous amount of pvp nerfs on all the talents and slayer hero talents til you hit the right amount

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I feel like banners should be an arms thing

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Probably by making MS mostly unique to warriors. I don’t like the idea of losing it as a hunter, but DH, monk, etc. don’t need a mortal strike. On the fence of whether rogues need it. :thinking:

The more I think about it, the less I’d want to do for arms or warriors in general and more I’d like to change with other specs so warriors play like they used to.

make warbreaker a self buff instead of a debuff


Finally I’m safe from bramot and his rampant target swaps

reduce to 2 buttons

button 1: zugzug : charges to target. hits target and 10 meters around. all of them dies instantly if get hit.

button 2:not zugzug: charges opposite from target.instantly full heal.pala bubble.

Then we are back to one spec being better than all. You cant remove ms when 90% of melees have it. Rather give it to the ones still missing ms

I think warriors could also benefit from some of the mechanics introduced in MOP but that have been retired, such as this:

Be honest.

They wouldn’t press button 2.

They’d just complain that they aren’t being healed and allowed to press button 1 repeatedly.

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A big mean baddy with a bag full of weapons.

As he hurtles around the battlefield they spill all over. He can scoop them up for a buff associated with the weapon type. This buff is telegraphed, and powerful. Crit chance on axes, multi-hit on swords, stun chance on maces.

I don’t like it but spread MS effect to other specs. But make it a choice, a consequence. No more passive to pve rotation

Demolish baseline. Keep col. Swap slayer for thane.

Ditch bleeds. Add vulnerabilities. A stacking sunder, a defensive dismantle.

If we’re getting crazy, add weapon throw builder and spender. Add banners, situational. You want to lean into the idea that this guy has an answer for every problem in his armory he just needs to find it at the right time, and force you into a position where you’re stuck fighting on his terms. A banner that increases sunder effect while opponent is stunned beneath it; a banner that immunes all roots and slows, but only in its limited area; a banner that shares your armory with allies and lets them chuck weapons with you.

without flavor and a dedicated theme arms is just ret without the bubble.

Just seems pointless if that’s the case. :man_shrugging:

Warriors should be balanced around uptime and MS, not damage. IMO! I get that’s a difficult ask, but I think it would be healthy for the game.

No because, as much as the crybabies here want to deny… whats happe ing now is not gonna last and mages will get hit one way or another. If you keep buffing warrior damage because “muh i don haev uptime therefor i need every ms to hit for 2M” whats gonna happen when its a pure melee meta and warriors have all the uptime in the world?

You cant balance the game with ONE spec having healing reductions because

  1. Every arena team will run a warrior
  2. Every rss match or bg outcome will hinge on whos got a warrior.

Its unhealthy to ask warrior to be balanced around those things. The sky us not falling because warriors arent straight s tier out of the gate stop with the drastic measures to an issue that will solve itself when mages /evokers get nerfed

How very heroic. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Well, the game was like that in the past, barring rogues and hunters which I didn’t say remove those. I don’t think MS is so powerful that if only warriors had it it would be so game breaking. Damage alone has has a similar impact. MS allowed warrior damage to less while still being impactful.

Just a thought. I don’t think every melee having MS makes sense regardless.

Remove spear because it sucks and replace with Conquerors banner
Unnerf Spell reflect
Less 2 point nodes that you spend on useless crap in the class tree
Bring back Blademasters torment
Sweeping strikes and Hamstring off GCD
Maybe bring back Gag Order

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Make shatter instant (build demolition into the talent,) make spear a tradeoff w/ shockwave and have a 1 min cd (fix the bugs)

spec is saved

could give warrior 1000% more damage and it’s still garbage, you can’t get uptime against a lot of meta specs

Damage is fine, feels tanky enough, you just face people who actually know how to move their characters and it’s 190 mil damage to 40 mil


Hard disagree on spear because everyone has a way to cheese out if it and the damage is nerfed in PvP


Warrior just needs uptime, no ones saying warrior doesn’t do enough damage

I’d argue warrior damage is borderline too high (especially fury,) but the spec is terrible simply because you can’t keep up with a bm hunter, mage, rogue, ele shaman, insane ferals, and dks

All while facing hpal every single game which is a miserable matchup

Warrior doesn’t need uptime the entire game, infact I think it makes sense to be able to kite warriors out. However, in the current meta, if the people you’re facing are just kind of average it’s almost impossible to keep up with them even with help from a healer. There needs to be moments where it feels like it’s possible to kill someone outside of them just forgetting to hit bop/miscoordination on a trinket. It never feels like it’s your game to win, it always feels like it’s the opponents game to lose

Warrior probably feels super lame to play agaisnt if you’re a low cr player because the damage is so high. The problem is they’ve balanced the spec around almost 0% uptime so unless the warrior has a 40% chance to 100-0 you in a stormbolt they really can’t win the game, ever.


Yes I agree. My stance is that ms should be limited to small windows like sharpen.

But they ruined it and gave almodt eveey melee (barring enhance ret and fdk) ms. So now I expect those left to get their much needed ms. It has become the norm

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