How would you make Enhance viable for 2s and more comps

What title says

We are a pretty good spec but only paired with a warrior. They bring mortal strike, an on demand stun, defensiveness with rallying cry and intervine. So what would make Enhance shamans more viable for more comps and 2s?

Probably high damage and on demand burst, like a Ret? But they are not the best on 2s

MS effect in form of a PVP talent? Or a reliable stun that last longer than 3 sec. Like old cap totem used to do.

Prob a reliable single target stun (not lasso), some form of MS, and instant cast hex with msw

pretty much this. maybe nature’s swiftness hex could help (if we got that)?

NS in Dragonflight should of included SK and Hex in my personal opinion. Would of made shamans infinitely more fun and cool every minute a guarenteed cc just like every other class in the game.

POM Sheep comes to mind being really cool when it was a thing. NS Hex would change the profile of shaman to have a game winning cc on a 1 min cd. Which seems fair with all the tools im seeing other classes get.

Instant Hex on a 1min CD seems fair. It’s not OP and brings a cool interaction.

I fear this is the only way to give us more pvp viability, because blizzard are reluctant on giving us and pallys a MS effect. But if they give us one, it should be a pvp talent 100%. Something like frostbrand rework.

Pallies at least have HOJ and stronger burst damage so they can land kills easier.

Enhance doesn’t have a good stun to land a kill to end a game in the short term and doesn’t have an MS to win the game in the long term.

Maybe double cap totem will help some since that’s a 4.5 second stun. And maybe lighting lasso will help some too but you can’t do other DPS during it.

How about this as a new PvP talent:

Frostflame weapon: Each hit of flametongue now applies a stack of frostbite reducing move speed by 10% and healing received by 5%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 6 seconds. Stacks refresh duration.

NS hex could also help some too though to at least be able to more easily land it once a min. Would make it more viable against resto druids and also would be a good defensive tool too.

I’m also curious to see what happens with unleash shield. Right now it only applies the lightning knockback effect if you cast it when you have both lightning and earth shield on. But if it was changed to knock back and then root in the same cast when you have both shields on, that could also help as a defensive tool and as way to land hexes and force healers out of position.

Lasso is the biggest bait in the history of the game. It’s good but it does not enable game wins in 2s generally. Also in 3s its just a placeholder to allow others to win while u channel. It’s horribly as a solo DPS healer ability in 2s as it doesn’t do enough and disallows kicks and cc during.

People who complain about lasso have no idea its super easy to break, if you kick it severely sets shaman behind, and it does not allow focus kicks knocks or anything during the cast.

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I’ll echo the insta cast stun. That would help a lot. We’ll have good sustain and burst in DF, but lining that up will still require help from your teammate.

Insta hex with MW would go a long way too to take out the healer for your go. I could live without a MS… but it would be nice to have lol.

I’d add in - sorry to beat a dead horse here - a wall that’s usable while stunned. Shamanistic Rage or and addon to Astral Shift, both as honor talents, would be huge.

I think shamans should take less damage in stun passively from lightning shield - or increase armor significantly for mail plate users to make rogues think twice about just casually 100-0ing us.

Blizzard is likely doing nothing but helping other classes from here on out, but I do hope Nature Swiftness changes are considered.

To play a shaman is to accept your weak and overcome. Blizzard has not been nice to shaman for years. Even if Ele is relatively strong in S4 it’s still limited substantially due to survivability.

I could be wrong, but I think I saw on wowhead the new world pvp gear on DF having damage resistance while stunned. Anyone see that?

Anything that has damage shielding on stun is a buff to rogue mage sadly. It has ICD of 2 min and they can reset and go in 20 on all 3 people.

Classes that have access to infinite stuns are at a significant advantage to high cd stuns in that iteration.

I think nerfing kidney shot to 30 seconds would be healthier for the game.

I think it’ll mostly be used defensively for peels or stops

yeah I see lasso being used just for defensive gameplay. A 5 sec cap can be a good solution, since we have ways now to make it almost guaranteed. Tbh, I don’t know why they make it 3sec, and leave leg sweep untouched

Yeah. Chaos nova too: +2 seconds in PvP. Cap totem was the only one that got hit by the BFA nerf. Would be great if they just gave cap totem +2 seconds in PvP like chaos nova and leg sweep and got rid of the repeating totem talent so we don’t have to double DR the target just for a 4.5 second stun.

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I really wish there was some form of focused PvP testing going on. It’s hard to say if we still need something when we haven’t had a chance to test what we’ve got.

The Traveling Storms PvP talent with Thundershock turns Thunderstorm into like a 2-sec knockup on a 25 second cooldown. We can also Hex every 15 seconds, Stun for 4.5 seconds every minute, quick Incap every 40 seconds, AoE root and Cage every minute. That’s without factoring our negative modifier on MSW being removed. On paper the amount of pressure we can generate seems unreal. We have more control over our Maelstrom generation than we’ve ever had. There are two significant buffs to vanilla Feral Spirits and several (potentially too many) modifiers to Stormstrike.

While I won’t commit to saying what we need before I can test what we have, I will say if we do need something then I desperately hope it’s not an Instant Hex or a traditional Mortal Strike. I’d love if we had access to Unleash Water Shield as a PvP talent. Blizzard could even reduce the effectiveness baseline for Enhancement and boost it with the Surging Shields talent.

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bring back weapon imbues
frostbrand for 50% slow - frost shocking frostbrand slowed target reduces movement 70%, fading back to 50% over 2s
flametongue for against high armor classes
windfury for mainhand
rockbiter for debuff enemy attack speed (old earth shock effect) + attack power boost

maelstrom able to be spent on hex
maelstrom reduce mana cost 20% per stack (even on heal)
instant cap with maelstrom stacks?
20% MS on flame shock or, better yet, earth shock (if on flame shock, let it spread by lava lash at reduced effectiveness)
double purge

grounding totem baseline
spirit wolves give sprint, heal, and remove roots/slows periodically through duration
rain of frogs pulling people out of stealth
return of searing totem, magma totem, stoneskin, fire ele, poison/disease cleanse, freedom totem

I was testing the traveling storm pvp talent on the ptr and it seems like they are knocked too high to hit them with meele attacks ( I think this can be good as a defensive tho).

If we get enough pressure to compensate the fact we lack the tools mentioned above we prob be fine. But most likely not having a reliable stun paired with on demand damage or a MS effect would make us still not viable for 2s and limit the amount of comps we can play in 3s.

Agreed. I’m cautiously optimistic that what we’ve been given could be enough as is for 2s. 4.5 sec double cap totem, lightning lasso, earthgrab, the possibility of unleash shield doing a knock into a root at the same time, thunderstorm/thundershock… I’m also still hoping they change enfeeblement to reduce move speed WHILE hexed which could make it a more effective cc.

All in all, there’s alot of new cc tools coming our way. It’s gonna be fun figuring out the best ways to make use of all that.

Not to mention that we’ll be able to run doomwinds/ascendance/wolf bones all at the same time and the addition of more spell power through the removal of the aura nerf as well as being able to instantly generate MSW with primordial wave. Enhance is going to have incredible burst potential with the ascendance talents and primordial wave + ele blast + lava burst. Future looks bright.