How would YOU fix the faction "imbalance"?

Remove racials completely. Nothing changes in the participation aspect.

And that won’t change any aspect of the game where Alliance is behind. Being able to queue for LFR and LFD together won’t increase Alliance participation in high end m+, raiding, pvp.

How is an endgame imbalance impacting playing as Alliance? Could you please elaborate?

The only time I’ve done serious raiding was in Vanilla and TBC, as Alliance. After that I started playing Horde for personal reasons and have no idea how the situation is for Alliance now.

I would say the debate implies endgame is the catalyst that reduces max lvl participation through trends…Example large number, next to all, high end raiding transfers to one side thus reducing recruitment pool on other side for those wishing to progress and improve themselves. This also has a snowball effect of reducing recruitment for guilds in general. Trends start happening with new players joining then learning they can’t raid or become top end raiders themselves unless they faction swap or reroll.


I don’t think it’s fixable at this point. Even if racials were super imbalanced. Look at PvP - Alliance racials are better in most cases and as a result a lot of rank 1s went Alliance. But there isn’t really a reason for low-mid tier players to switch. Especially when, if you want to be a on a healthy server, you’d probably need to xfer as well as faction change because most of the Horde heavy servers have no Alliance. Who wants to leave the place they are established and spend at least $55 just to min/max if you aren’t a CE raider or high end PvPer?

I don’t even think it would change if a bunch of high end guilds went Alliance, tbh.

It’s not. It was a statement; the only real imbalance in the game is content-pushing raid guilds and some rated BG guilds. I didn’t say, and don’t believe, that it negatively impacts playing as Alliance…obviously, since I am.


I would let the factions cooperate. Better queue times for everything, I literally see no downside. Poor queuing makes me unsub, getting rid of the factions to some degree or other would only keep me going.


Well this part is untrue…

…but this part…

…has merit.

But for some reason people think allowing qued bgs and lfr would help :confused:

Right, but the imbalance is at the top end for raiding, M+ and PvP which all favor Horde. Making racials cosmetic isn’t going to cause these players to pay for faction changes. Honestly Alliance have better racials overall right now, but 1% extra damage isn’t worth thousands of dollars for guilds to switch.


Free faction transfers with a close eye on how many and who are transferring then shut it off when a reasonable amount of mid to high end guilds have moved. Talking top 2-300 world ranked.

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All they would need to do is allow cross faction grouping/guilds. They won’t though because they want the cash from faction transfers.


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But queue times aren’t where the imbalance actually is…

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I would remove the factions and make warmode so that you can be attacked by any player who is flagged for warmode.


I would just like you know make at least 1 allied race that is appealing…

The person I originally responded to said to turn off the racial advantages in instanced content. That’s why I said what I said. You’re arguing something that, well, I don’t know. It’s veering off from the original intent.

Only way to fix it would be to have no more faction barrier or just completely remove racials. People will always find a way to min/max every aspect of the game, and it becomes a snowball effect as guilds and players move to the most “optimal” faction.

When EMFH was broken 99.999% of PvPers were alliance, and all the horde players complained about it. It’s a combination of balance, personal preference, guilds, social aspects, and many other things. This is, at the end of the day, a player driven issue.

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Unless we can come up with a way to FORCE people to specific realms, I do not see a solution to this.

The only way to possibly stop it is to disable new players from joining the high pop faction on a realm, but that would be bad too. What if someone has a friend that wants to join them.

I cannot think of any good solutions.

Void Elves are the most popular AR in the entire game.

Yet the Alliance has better racials in many aspects of the game…and they still aren’t competing.


That’s a bad take.

oh that 1 race that came out last expansion yeah…