How would YOU fix the faction "imbalance"?

Shame the horde for playing ez mode.


Remove factions. Everyone gets to group and play together, you know, like an MMO should be.


Racials already don’t matter. They used to matter, which started the imbalance, but they haven’t mattered for a while. A large number of high end guilds/raiders went Horde, then more followed, then even more followed. Even if they made Alliance racials OP it would take years before it would balance out.


I’d start with a complete overhaul of all core race racials… bring them up to par with the racials of Allied Races in both flavor and power, I’d improve on Alliance racial Offensive power and General Utility. We don’t need 5 flavors of CC breaks.

Examples: Gnomes, I’d turn Escape artist into a passive that reduces the duration of CC effects. Give them a new Tibkerer inspired active, either an offensive boost or a combat utility, maybe a stun.

Dwarves, I’d bump up the defensive utility of Stone Skin, make it on par with class based defensive skills, of Horde races can have offensive CDs on par with class offensive CDs then there is no reason an Alliance race can’t have a Defensive CD on par with class defensive CDs.

I’d replace ALL of the boring +1~2% to X stat passives for all races with something more interesting and flavorful (like what we see on ARs)

Honestly I think if racials are improved and balanced between both factions, then we’d see more players going Alliance since the competitive edge won’t be monopolized by Horde. Currently, even if alliance has a few races with strong racials, it doesn’t matter since most alliance racials are weak or far too situational to ever be useful. Unless you build teams with only those select few races, you’re not going to get a huge benefit out of them for progression raiding and such. Additionally, some of the more desired classes for progression aren’t available on those races. If you look at the Horde on the other hand, you only have a couple races with weak racials, you can build groups with any race and have all good racials to help push progression as well as pick of every class with multiple strong racial options for each.

Note: I’d aim to improve both factions racials, not solely the Alliance, but more focus would go to alliance to bring a competitive edge to them.


Enable cross-faction PvE.


Give the Alliance High Elves with OP racials so they would finally stop whining.


First, eliminate combat-based racials. No matter how small the difference, they introduce an inherent structural imbalance in competitive gameplay.

Second, allow cross-faction grouping and cross-faction guilds. This wouldn’t mean the end of the faction divide, merely that players could play the faction they like for instanced content. It would help with top-end guild recruitment and allow friends to play together whether they play on the opposite factions or not.


Doubt it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


remove racials… take away racials that give any pvp benefit or even pvp.

maybe not pve for small stuff, but overall the fraction with best racials help.

Have a choice in Active Racials, on both sides. It’ll fit as the first row of talents based on your race where you have 1 offensive, 1 defensive, and 1 utility active racial.


Isn’t that what Void Elves are? Corrupted High Elves (Blood Elves) with OP racials? I mean, they could be more OP, sure, but they’re some of the better racials in the Alliance.


The only way it could be fixed is to make things unbalanced in the alliance’s favor, but that isn’t very reasonable.

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The faction imbalance goes both ways.
The way I would fix it is allow any race to be any faction, via a deserter feature.

Whatever else is said, this issue started because of racials, and removing the divide between the two sets is the easiest way to attempt to mend the bridge.


Unlock Allied Races once DLC is old content. A lot of people I’ve heard would play the Void Elves, but with them being locked people have to buy a boost or level just to farm what they want to play…
Kul Tirans need a thin version, that allied race was super fail.
More cinematics and engaging story on their end, less reactionary story.
More unique mounts
Cross Faction dungeons and PvP to cut imbalances more.


Its a pretty neat idea, but even if it were possible, why would Horde raiders go Alliance? Where’s the incentive? I don’t think adding one is a great idea either.


There is no easy fix to the situation, it’s not a situation where you can just change one thing and suddenly the problems go away. This is a situation that has slowly built up over years and will take equal time to fix.

The Horde has been pushed for a good decade now as “the cool faction”. You see streamers and youtubers giving the game a try for the first time and which faction do they play? Horde, because even someone who knows very little about the game still knows about “FOR THE HORDE!”. Their racials are better and all the best PvPers and PvErs play Horde because it’s known as the faction you go to when you want to find a good progression guild.

The story for the Alliance is half hearted as well. Now I get that the Horde has had a rough time this expansion, I’m not denying that, but let’s not pretend like the Alliance has been overly exciting or well written. The devs prefer the Horde and they’ve made that clear.

So no, I don’t have a solution for you because it’s not an easy thing to solve. First they have to acknowledge theirs a problem before anything can even begin to happen. After that they have to figure out a way to make the Alliance attractive to new players while also somehow persuading progression players to go over to the Alliance which is hard to do when all the players that want to progress are already Horde.

I literally have no idea where to begin.


They wouldn’t. There are considerably less competitive players over there.
But giving the option to do it in game is step 1 towards blurring the two.

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I don’t disagree that it’s a first step. I’m just not sure what other steps would be needed at that point.

My biggest regret about Shadowlands is that they decided not to allow cross-faction grouping or some sort of deserter feature for players with this expansion. Shadowlands was the perfect opportunity with the narrative we witnessed in BfA.


Not sure how they would deal with mounts and rep/faction related stuff.
I think they’d allow to create any race on either faction first, before attempting that.