How would you finish Tyrande's story arc?

The Horde doesn’t have access to demon blood any more.

The Night Elves also weren’t alone. They had Cenarius, who the Legion had no hopes for their invasion if he was still around, as described in Chronicle: Volume III:

    If the Legion had any hopes of reaching the second Well of Eternity, the demons would have to get through Cenarius and his woodland allies first. (Page 71)

    Though Mannoroth had fallen, he had accomplished his mission. Cenarius was dead. The forest spirits would still resist the Legion’s invasion, but their primal strength was greatly diminished.

    The time to invade Kalimdor had come. (Page 75)

Cenarius should have been a Darkshore Warfront general on the Alliance side, if they had ever gone to implement more than one set of leaders there.


But they have access to Azerite now, they have shredders and other technology and magics. They changed over the years, they’re not longer ragamuffins that came on the few ships.


Azerite didn’t stop the Horde from being defeated at the Darkshore Warfront even without Cenarius being there, nor did the Horde use Azerite in any significant way during the War of the Thorns.

The Horde also had access to shredders in Warcraft III.

Hell, during the War of the Thorns in-game, Malfurion one-shot two shredders and knocked Sylvanas down in one attack.


tyrande went super saiyang 5 now. she can probably solo the horde.

and the horde doesn’t have that jailer power.

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We don’t know exact circumstances of why the Warfronts were lost. It could’ve been because of the events in Orgrimmar for all we know which caused for Horde to splinter on themselves.

We only have Danuser’s word on the current situation of warfront without any detail. That’s way too vague information to draw any bigger picture from it.

I’mjust saying that Horde has much more to offer now, if they don’t have X then they have Y now which could be useful to reach specific goal. That these are not the same people that nelves used to fight back in WC3. They all advaned at this point.

LOL, Okaaaaaay. I’ll go for my popcorn then.


Most things indicate that the Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:

And then Nathanos says the Alliance is winning on all fronts after Dazar’alor, which would have included Darkshore.

To enjoy the in-game scenes of Tyrande AoE one-shotting the Horde armies during the introductory questing to the Darkshore Warfront? Because she indeed did that a few times.


… When she could barely even handle Nathanos? :confused:

Yes, but it’s not certain. That is very likely scenario but not exactly elaborated in game.

We only have word of one of the lead writers which was spilled at Blizzacon, he also said that “it’s complicated” but after lil pressure he said that they won without giving any details.

Alliance was also “winning on all fronts” but it was before the Alliance lost majority of their forces in Nazjatar. That move made Alliance as weakened as Horde was.

I don’t have heart to break his dream.


The forces lost at Nazjatar were not forces that were being sent to help at Darkshore because of Anduin, so their less didn’t actually have any impact on Darkshore.

like i said, they no longer seem to have that jailer power that he got then.

otherwise there is no explanation to how nathanos survived.

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You previously used example of Nathanos on why Horde withdrew their forces from Darkshore to support their campaign there, but you conveninetly also skipp that Genn also left Darkshore and his people were as much involved in Battle of Dazar’Alor as well as the chase on the Sea.

So I disagree.


I mean in theory Tyrande should be able to just destroy Orgrimmar since Jaina wanted to do it too, but they are just keeping her on an undead archer power level instead so that the Alliance can never have any cool moments or minor victories against the Horde…


Genn never showed up at Darkshore personally. He sent is daughter Tess and Lorna Crowley to lead the Gilnean forces there.

The Night Elves also contributed forces to the Nazmir feint for the Battle of Dazar’alor, even while fighting at Darkshore.

During the Alliance side introductory questing to the Darkshore Warfront, the Val’kyr stun the Alliance player and Tyrande. With the following affect:

The Val’kyr use chains covered in dark purple energy. There is even a clinking sound of chain-links rattling together that is heard during the ability. This ability is called Umbral Biding, and makes the edges of the Alliance player’s screen wick with dark purple energy while stunned by it:

And obviously, we have now seen this used by Sylvanas against someone else as well:

And Tyrande broke out of those chains like they were nothing. So it looks like Val’kyr were empowered by the Jailer the same as Sylvanas when they empowered Nathanos.

Which would make this part of Etheldald’s the most relevant:


You don’t think that is powerful though? I found it amazing that he was the one to finally admit that all that “honor” and chest pounding was false? That takes alot of courage to admit that you were wrong and to stand against the wave to right something you know is wrong. That’s honorable to me. Whether anyone admits it or not, the Horde was built on blood and pillaging, it feels nice to see someone finally recognize it and want to to change it for the better. I also don’t like how he needed to go to Anduin and the alliance to do something about it and put himself in jail… like that was a little silly.


Not the Horde that was created in WC3, with Tauren and Trolls. It was brotherhood, union made so they could survive, they all believed that it was truly start to something great.

And secondly Horde doesn’t have to share values with Alliance, they can have completely different interpretation of it.

So I consider him to be in the wrong.

Was that before or after the genocide that the Draenei experienced? Knowing you’re wrong and doing the right thing isn’t something that is exclusive to the alliance? It’s something NEW to the Horde lol but it’s not limited to just one faction.


But Tauren or trolls didn’t commit it on draenei.
And orcish situation on Draenor was much more complicated than that.

And then they went on with Theramore and now Teldrassil, so it doesn’t matter whether it was “WC3” era or not, because that “Wc3” era still committed these atrocities. They are the exact same and it’s great that you have a character to call it out.


Funny, when I was arguing the same thing with Amani Etheldad said to me that current Alliance shouldn’t be blamed for applying exact same method as Horde did with Theramore.

People often forget that Tharamore was on open war with Horde for 2 years, it was assaulting Mulgore, Valley of Trials and were about to assault Sen’Jin village. These are homes for 3 playable races which were targeted by “neutral Theramore” andforcing Horde to fight on two fronts.

It was bound to happen that it would be counter attacked. The difference was that this time it was Horde who used the nuke, not the Alliance.

With BfA, there is no point in arguing it, what was done can’t be undone and there is indeed no way to defend it. But it was still years after the WC3 Horde was established and this is exactly why those events broke the Horde community so badly. Nobody wanted this.


I know, you have told me this already, but that still doesn’t make it any better how they presented and handled Tyrande after her power up. This just ruined the whole questline for me and many others, probably for you too (correct me if I’m wrong).
Not to mention that this was the entire revenge plotline :slightly_frowning_face:

We do, but Bolvar is realistically not even comparable with Tyrande, atleast if we assume that a goddess is not completely worthless. Bolvar isn’t really a very powerful character.