Well personally I have you on ignore in game… so I’d never get the pleasure of kicking you for being unable to perform the very basic functions of your class. Elune bless account wide ignores.
Just typical, normal warlock stuff.
Half the time if I’m in a pug raid I don’t care if the warlock is below tank DPS on the bosses if they drop a stone/well before every boss.
Yeah, you brought that on yourself.
It’s your job. Don’t want to do it, play something else.
I usually won’t drop a closet unless somebody asks, don’t think I’ve ever outright refused to use it though.
I would never kick you
Ignored RL, got kicked. Case solved.
I wouldn’t have refused to do that.
I don’t understand. Why did you ignore him?
If that’s the case, why didn’t you just leave yourself?
Why wouldn’t you open a closet or drop cookies?
It’s not like it’s difficult.
I would, just because the rant on GD that would inevitably follow would amuse me.
I wouldnt care. You dont owe anyone anything with your game time. Groups are a dime a dozen if you want them.
There’s a distinction between “doing easy thing to help along the group” and “clearly acting as the RL’s personal taxi service”. I think many times it’s also the attitude of expectation that comes along with it.
On my lock, I’d drop it if/when asked (don’t main so sometimes I like the reminder), but since it takes others aiding, if I go to drop it and no one helps after a reasonable time, I’d just stop cast and if asked again be like “hey, I tried to do it, but you did not help mem so either help me this time or everyone can run the long way here”.
It’d just be this again
At least not kicking him would result in a rant about how OP DKs are when he does less damage than me
not droping a closet or cookies ya i would have tossed you also. you got 1 job as a warlock and you were refusing to do that so its a waste of a slot
You had one job as a lock and refused to do the thing you’re invited for…
Sounds like a kick reason to me