How would you feel if you got kicked for refusing to drop Summoning Portal / Health Stones?

So I was in a pug raid and the RL kept inviting his friends and asking for portal. Ignored him and true and behold, got kicked.

Not sure if this classifies under abuse?

And yes, my main which is a BM hunter is even worse. Don’t even get invited at all after the nerf and so I swapped to warlock.

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appreciate you

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Wouldn’t happen. I’m capable of doing my class’ bare minimum. I’d kick you too.

One thing to forget, another thing entirely to refuse.


I’d be all like “that was weird” and then forget it happened.


I don’t main warlock, whenever I’m in a group and forget to put soul well down, that alone makes me think to myself “oh man, I’m such a bad warlock.” Sometimes getting people to get the closet out, soul well down, refreshments down if they’re a mage, feels like I’m pulling teeth. So if for whatever reason I wouldn’t put either of those down or acknowledge any attempt of them asking me to, I would think that’s pretty fair. It may not be in combat utility, but it’s a part of our utility.

Uh, I wouldn’t refuse to drop a portal or healthstones… that’s warlock 101 is you’re there for summons and cookies.


I probably would’ve kicked you too, honestly. If you refuse to use the tools that warlocks are known for then why would I risk you not knowing how the rest of your kit works either?


I would be in complete shock and in absolute ragemode.


Ultimately putting down a portal helps get into the dungeon faster, and gumballs (as I call them), help keep people alive. Why are you refusing to put them down?

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Not abuse.

If some says, closet/stones/buff then generally someone does it because it is a no effort group thing. Outright refusing to do that is fair game to be kicked from said group, it isn’t because they were boldly fighting some totalitarian psyops regime,it is because they were just being dumb.


I mean, if the raid/party wants/needs a summoning portal or health stones, and they ask for it, then it’s not unreasonable to take about 3-5 seconds each to drop both of them. If the majority rules that you are not being a team player, then they have every right to kick you, whether you agree with it or not.


Someone refusing to work together to help the raid was kicked? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


well that’s the only reason you got invited sir so.

The reason I invite a warlock most of the time is for convenient summoning and/or healthstones (and sometimes a convenient gate skip). I’d love if summoning were available to more classes though.

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you know there is a class known for stealing warlock abilities already…so what if… :zipper_mouth_face:

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Through thick and thin, my group keeps me around and i’d have to say a big part of it is the utility i bring to the group, why on earth would you refuse to provide said utility? I think you deserved to get kicked.


“I refused to be cooperative with my class utility and was kicked”
Not even shocked that’s what happened, I’d kick you too. If you don’t want to play with other people then don’t play with other people.

Sure DH can get that, it would help because there’s usually one, if not a few in the group.

I also think joining a pug raid should automatically give you a summon to the entrance of the raid (or maybe even the leader’s position) but that’s just me.


I kick all hunters that don’t drop summoning stones.


Personally, I kick all shamans that don’t drop refreshment tables.

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