All energy costs removed from damage-dealing abilities, removing DPS rotational drought at all levels of Rogue gameplay.
All utility/survival abilities retain/gain an energy cost and have reduced cooldowns (perhaps similar to how mana acts as a “utility limiter” on other DPS classes/specs).
Adjust/replace talents which affect energy generation accordingly.
Example B
Remove energy costs from all finishers.
Readjust energy costs into combo point generators.
Abilities which increase combo point generation become more valuable.
Example C
Something else completely different. No energy. No combo points.
I’d probably be more in favour of just keeping it how it is except removing energy costs from utility/defensive. We already have to sacrifice another resource for many of them (combo points, subterfuge window time).
For outlaw specifically, the times when you don’t need to worry about energy and the times where you are energy starved are extremely jarring - often due to downtime etc thats out of your control. I’d be more in favour of making outlaw less reliant on energy as its quite a spammy spec by design.
I don’t think energy on sin/sub is as big a deal because you mainly do all your damage in your cds and you can pool for them or you get huge energy gains in your cds anyway.
I know levelling isn’t very relevant but I think the energy requirements there turn a lot of people off of playing the class, barely can press any buttons.
I think Energy as a system is fine enough, though it could definitely use some tweaks, particularly for the leveling process.
A couple ideas that spring to mind immediately (in no particular order):
A universal finisher that restores energy per combo point spent. This would be nice for moving from mob to mob, and might be useful in niche situations at level cap, but would largely be outclassed by the spec specific finisher deux jour and baked in Energy recoup mechanics. It would be gained at level 10, and could just flat be replaced by the spec specific when the spec gets its particular energy recoup mechanics added (I want to say around level 30 for all 3, but it’s been an admittedly long time since I’ve leveled my rogue).
Improve how much Haste affects energy regen. This will naturally fall off as you level and Haste rating becomes less and less effective, with an added “Benefit?” of potentially making haste more desirable as a stat than it currently is class wide.
Honestly, I like the current resource system. If they revamped rogue resource system Feral Druids would require the same or I have a feeling a lot of them including myself would be a bit annoyed.
Are we playing the same game? Leveling as a rogue, for me anyway, is amazing. I’ve never had a problem leveling. Not to mention the ability to get around 99% easier than any other class in the game makes leveling a cake walk.
Now I don’t pvp much and I never really leveled with pvp. So I won’t comment on it as I don’t honestly have a dog in that race.
And if you change up how energy works for rogues, you have to do it to feral druids too. We basically play the same damage wise, except they get to look all catty and such. Sort of jealous…
If you want to go based on speed to max level alone, then sure, it’s slower. You have to be more strategic in how you pull and kill unlike say a mage or lock that can pull 3-5 mobs at a time and AE burn them to ash. OP was making it sound like it was boring or unfun, not slow. If you just want to burn everything to the ground, then ya it is miserable. I, personally, like a challenge. For me, leveling is what made solo play fun in the first place. As a rogue, who doesn’t do mythic and only relies on LFR due to time constraints, having to think strategically in order to pull and not die, IS the fun part
The most unfun part of leveling a rogue is the slogfest that ensues because you lack the resources necessary to engage with your own toolkit at a “rogue’s pace”.
Rogues probably aren’t meant to feel that slow. The pacing difference between a leveling Rogue and a max-level end-of-expansion Rogue is absolutely insane.
If we’re going this route I’d rather they do it the other way. Make the generators free so they feel fast and fluid and you always have something you can press at any time without having to wait for your energy to regenerate. Then make the finishers cost a bit more energy so you can’t spam them.
My buddy would love the rogue, but he can’t get passed this hurdle. He gets to L20 and runs out of steam because he’s bored with not being able to do anything.
I do think it’s ironic that “energy” just ends up making Rogue feel sloth-like, heavy, and constantly drained, while other classes without such a mechanic can come off as more “energetic.”
It’s like rogue is working inversely compared to other classes.
At the same time, it does help to make rogue feel more deliberate and calculating. And it would be a shame to homogenize rogue to be like every other class.
So maybe just rethink and rework it. For example there should just be more ways to feel like you are accelerating. Adrenaline rush is too important/core to the rogue kit and limiting it to combat is kind of insane.