How would you describe your main class spec?

Thought it would be an interesting discussion to see summaries of everyone’s main spec. For example:

Protection Paladin

Resources Mana and Holy Power (1-5)

Great AOE tank, about 40-60% uptime on damage reduction shield ability (Shield of the Righteous) (off the GCD)

Stands in an AOE fire spell and uses Judgment (Holy power generator, single target) and Shield throw (3-5 targets) spells which deal holy damage.
Spenders for holy power are a self-heal and the aforementioned Sheild of the Righteous.

Cooldowns for both extra damage and damage reduction.

I might assemble the best (most upvoted for each spec) into a little wiki page for people to scan.

I know there’s huge detailed guides but with so many classes and specs it would take forever to read them all :slight_smile:

I would say target audience would be anyone who knows a fair bit about the game and is maybe considering making an alt.

Howling Blast for DoT, Activate literally every off GCD buff at once, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Howling Blast, Obliterate, Howling Blast, Obliterate, Frostwyrm’s Fury, sit and twiddle your thumbs while Pillar of Frost is not available (Or mash buttons in a vain attempt to do damage).

Tl;Dr Obliterate.

Such is the life of an Obliterate build Frost Death Knight. Now here comes Breath of Sindragosa…

Howling Blast for DoT, Obliterate, Obliterate, Activate literally every off GCD buff at once while activating Breath of Sindragosa, if Runic Power is less than or equal to Max Runic Power - 20, spam Obliterate. If Runes empty and above applies, Horn of Winter. If above applies and Horn of Winter on Cooldown, Empower Rune Weapon. If above applies and Empower Runne Weapon has no charges, cry. If magic damage incoming, Anti-Magic Shell. If magic damage incoming and Anti-Magic Shell on Cooldown, Anti-Magic Zone.

Tl;Dr Do everything in your power to make your Runic Power never low. If it gets low, you’re dead weight until Breath of Sindragosa is available.

Did I miss anything? I think I summed up Frost Death Knight pretty well, both viable builds too!

Blood DK.

Drinks lots of blood.

I’m actually curious about rolling a blood dk. Do you have time to write anything?

I fly up and down the battle field taunting the enemy into attacking me then cast a spell that makes me top healer while I do nothing.

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ret paladin

I stand 50 yards away and cast Aimed Shot, Rapid fire, and Kill Shot (among many other filler spells and weird cooldowns).

I have terrible survivability but am also a Kite King :tm:RitaLemonWrynnLibraryAssassinationBusiness so I rarely die, in fact I’m almost always the last to die.

I play whack-a-mole with health bars. “You get a rejuv, you get a rejuv, everybody gets a rejuv” swiftmend, wildgrowth, back to rejuv

Destruction Warlock.

buff hpal

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Bear, so trash.

Death by zoo…

Great blend of defense, offense, and mobility.


APM so high, every pull is like

“And now, Moonlight Sonata, 3rd Movement.”

Indefinitely neglected

In a few words: I’m firin’ mah lazor