How would Tattoos work with Void elves?

Sort of wondering how Farstrider like tattoos would work with Void elves, would they be normal warpaint kind of things or do you think they’d have a sort of spacey galaxy vibe to them? Like a window to the universe sort of thing.


I think you would just make them a bright glowing white.

void elves dont need tattoos.
I would accept void scars however.

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I came across this art piece that would be awesome for Void Elves to have tattoo designs similar to this picture.


I think they should be moving Void tattoos.


Oooh, that actually sounds pretty neat. Scars that leak out slight void energy.

That was sort of the idea, the tattoos would be static on the body but it would look like it’s shifting within.


I just dont feel that a void elf would be into such things as tattoos.
But the void leaking out of their battle wounds is badass.

I’d imagine them being purple/blues/violets/darkish reds? I don’t know. I like the void galaxy universe thing you suggest.

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I can see it now my velf hunter with a tat of N’zoth on her thigh with moving tendrils

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The ingame hair and eyes and lips are so ugly compared to this art piece.

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I, too, would love to swim in space water.


Like the void ritual on corruption gear? But like better you mean? Sounds neato

Basically! Designs a bit like Lightforged or DHs, only more tribal looking, maybe? And add that movement effect.

I’d make a shirtless Velf any day with that epicness.