How will we keep the Gnomes moist?

If we can’t spit polish the gnomes they’ll dry up and fall apart when we punt them.

This is a disaster for Gnomergan.


Delete this.


What do you have against gnomes?

Engulf them in a dank cloud of wet juicy /farts, the humidity from that might help.

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Well there’s some outside the box thinking.

Although, might work better with the gnomes in a box.

I just can’t do it not worth the forum vacation

How dare you make me read this…


If you can get a forum vacation for discussing the finer points of gnome punting, the world has gone truly sideways.

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Punting is fine , this is about getting them wet and what came to mind would probably get me a forum vacation .

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It actually quite simple, Precious

Silence of the Lambs - It rubs the lotion…

how come u ear go in hat is bad , u get help of doctor

All the better to hear you.

Hopefully it was about something golden

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My legal department has instructed me to neither confirm nor deny but to drink the 5th


“As your attorney i advise you to take a hit out of the small brown bottle in my shaving kit.”

just ask the closest orc to wring out his gym towel…

Why , when we can just stand there and drip

I use fire.

I’m a tad skeptical with this solution, but it’s worth a shot.