How will the "Four Zones" formula work in The Last Titan?

I know I’m jumping the gun a little bit here. TWW isn’t even out yet, let alone Midnight, but with The Last Titan taking place in Northrend I’m just curious.

In TWW, it makes sense, it’s a new place they can do whatever. In Midnight, I can see it working somehow. Quel’Thalas is getting a huge revamp anyway, and it’s already split between Eversong Woods and the Ghostlands, I’m sure they could flesh out an Amani zone and possibly give Silvermoon the Suramar treatment.

But The Last Titan being in Northrend, where we’ve got Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, Howling Fjord, Icecrown, Sholazar, Storm Peaks, Zul Drak, Dragonblight, Crystalsong, and (kinda) Wintergrasp? I’m not good at math but I’m at least 74% sure that that’s more than four zones.

Are they going to just gate off some zones somewhat how they did with Forbidden Reach? Or are they going to try to merge some zones together? I dunno, what do y’all think?

But they don’t have to sculpt the whole landscape and concept the zones yada yada. They’re just giving it a coat of new paint. A lot of zone concepts already exist so they’re just doing new quests probably with some of the old flavor. Grizzly Hills will have a new outhouse quest, etc.

chris could have meant “return to northrend” as, we go to northrend for a scenario and witness the return of the titans which then we are sent to a new world or something with azeroth world soul to figure out the conspiracy


Might be goofy but perhaps past Northrend will be Avaloren? :world_map::robot:

Northrend, Southrend, Eastrend, and Westrend.


I always say that we have an abridged version of the zones.

Truly they could zoom in an area and fill in a spot and expand it. For example look at Dragonblight. They could stretch out Galakrond into a massive area. The bones bigger than mountains.

Bronze dragon area could be a giant ancient meteor crater. With a Stormwind sized hour glass Time Machine

Or take a cue from ESO and give us a mini world that requires us to minimize much like Clockwork City

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I feel one could make four zones of out Ulduar alone - we barely scratched the surface of it in Wrath.


Or we are getting an Expansion that combines Midnight and War Within: Revamp plus Underground Zones.

Metzen says we will get to learn exactly what the Titan Machinery in Northrend is for so…

Remember what the Complex holding the Machinery is called:

What did the massive machines around the Storm Peaks, like the Engine of the Makers, actually do?
These machines are all part of the same system: the Forge of Wills.

Azjol Nerub, The Forge of Wills, the Crystalline Depths of Sholazar Basin(Red, White, Green, Yellow and Blue designated areas), the Depths of Zul’Drak and the Depths of Icecrown…

In that case the Patches are also Revamps coming with Underground Zones.

Southern Kalimdor with Uldum/Ahn’Qiraj’s Depths in 1 Patch and Khaz Modan’s Depths in the final Patch?

In the “War of the Scaleborn” novel, Iridikron has a lair in Northrend named “Harrowsdeep” (not to be confused with Hallowfall in TWW). Could be a zone in the Last Titan.

Given that Iridikron survived Dragonflight and hasn’t been seen in TWW yet, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s hiding away there, plotting the demise of the Titans.’


Perhaps even the Zone under Sholazar… Harrowsdeep according to the description has Elementally-infused Topaz Crystals jutting from the ceiling. The entrance was clearly built into the Avalanche by Iridikron though has since been buried over the centuries following his capture.

Harrowsdeep(Elemental-infused Topaz Crystals everywhere past the Volcanic Entrance with designated areas for each color: Red, White, Blue, Yellow and Green), Depths of Icecrown, Azjol Nerub, Zul’Drak’s Depths and the Forge of Wills…

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Sounds pretty cool.

Honestly my hype for Warthin is pretty low but Last Titan could be amazing. There’s a lot that could be done with Last Titan. Consider this - Crystalsong Forest is one of the most visually stunning zones and almost nothing has been done with it. Still lots of untapped potential left in Northrend.

I feel that. I’m honestly more excited for Midnight (but I love Elf content in my fantasy) more than TWW. Still looking forward to it, but nothing is standing out as amazing besides Warbands to me.

I’ll remain cautious of TLT hope since it’s much further out and things could change.

The World Soul Saga would basically be 2 themes each having their own Expansion before coming together to create the Finale of the Saga.

Avaloren is implied by it’s name to be where the Arathi Empire(which is Medieval European in Architecture like King Arthur who was last seen in Avalon) is located.

Arathi are Half-Elves… Midnight is the Elven Expansion… Avaloren thus must be the actual Continent of Midnight which I assume will have Revamps along with each Patch Zone.

Lordaeron(which includes Quel’Thalas) and Northern Kalimdor(the Draenei Heritage Quest has the Draenei who live in Northern Kalimdor on Azuremyst Isles mention they are building a new City) alongside Avaloren for Launch. All made bigger for Dynamic Flight as Blizzard stated.

Later Patches would likely include Central Kalimdor, the Continent of Azeroth(the bottommost Continent of the Eastern Kingdoms containing Stormwind) and Outland(with Lightbound AU Draenor accessed through a Portal) along with new Zones to go with them(Ogre Island Zone to go with AU Draenor which now has Farahlon at long last).

War Within would be the Expansion for New Underground Zones, Midnight would be the Expansion with New Zones accompanying Enlarged and Revamped Continents while The Last Titan would combine the 2 concepts resulting in New Underground Zones accompanying Enlarged and Revamped Continents.

Nexus and crystalsong will probably get nuked, borean tundra and sholazar could easily flood over. It would be cool if the opposite happened on the east side, with the way the edge of grizzly hills is built going onto zuldrak it seems to imply there could be troll architecture under water.

I just realized how The Last Titan could further go Cata 2: 1 Patch would be(alongside the Revamped Continents above them) the Depths of Southern Kalimdor(containing Uldum & Ahn’Qiraj’s Titan Facilities), Depths of Khaz Modan and Deepholm’s Depths and the Abyssal Maw. Yes a Major Patch would be Cata 2… Other Patches would be the Depths of Pandaria, Zandalar and the Broken Isles(only places with Titan Facilities hidden beneath the surface) with the Order Realms as the Final Patch.

Would all go well with Harrowsdeep, Depths of Icecrown, Azjol Nerub, Zul’Drak’s Depths and the Forge of Wills(and the Revamped Northrend above them) from The Last Titan’s Launch.