How will pvpers progress with Soulbinds?

Is there any sources on how pvpers will get soulbinds for our progression?


What you mean you don’t want to do pve for them? gasp


Correct, I shouldn’t have to touch PvE other than the initial questing 50-60 after that go straight to bgs/arena etc just like how any pve individual would want to go straight into dungeons to progress to do raids.

If it’s thrown into maybe Battleground/arena/skirmish boxs that would be alright possibly but again I’m highly against rng so just make it so we can buy stuff with honor/conquest at new vendors…Makes the most logical sense.


You will play the actual game first like the rest of us and then you may go back to your little sideshow attraction.


That attitude is killing wow.


Alliance bad haha

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Wdym, I gotta do the sideshow attraction first before I get to the main game. Keep your pve minigames away from me.


If this is anything like BFA and they refuse to make smart choices for pvp I swear I will not play. Not going to get teased back into the game to pvp to be forced into pve activities and spit and laughed at by the community.

Please blizzard I’m putting all the faith i have left into this project :crazy_face:


That’s a good question maybe the respectful PvE community can help solve the matter :upside_down_face:


I imagine blizzard will make a way for everyone to have somewhat equal footing however raiding/high end arena may be the best way to get the better ones.

The vendors was a good suggestion just make it so there is a optional way of getting them with Valor/Conquest at a vendor for the ones people are missing or need so they can prioritize it.

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wow was a pvp game before it was a pve game


Hopefully you can unlock them at a reasonable rate

They don’t sound like they’re too game breaking (you will want them unlocked still)
(Also there is one that makes you immune from bleeds/poison/curses/disease for 15 seconds which might need a look at)

I just hope that in combo with everything else won’t create too much of a slug fest

I don’t mind having to do some PvE with my PvP as long as I don’t have to fully do nothing but PvE in order to get to a reasonable state PvP wise

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Lmao this loser has his account private so we can’t see why he hates pvp so much. His horrible at it, and the game in general I bet.


PvE has always been harder than the joke of a mini game called PvP here just look at how bad the balance is lmao what a joke PvP is.


Most of the top WoW streamers are all mainly pvpers and most competitive players that are known started from Wow PvP.

Sorry that you suck, but ranting about PvP won’t fix that


And the Chad PvE streamer has more views than all of your pvpers combined lol thanks for the perfect example of show just how much no one cares about PvP.


You can leave now

You can have an opinion after you unblock your profile and logs, imagine hiding yourself on an internet forum lmao

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Rating means nothing??? Anyone could always buy it, anyone could always buy anything. So what does matter?

Means no one cares about glad ratings when there’s like 10 people playing in your little community. Lucky for you Blizzard makes it so you actually get to play the proper game before you go back to the meme that is PvP.


World of Warcraft is World of Warcraft. If you don’t want to PvE, that’s your fault, but don’t expect to be catered to with your “PvP only” mindset. lmao