How will my favorite classes fair in classic?

So I started playing WoW during classic, got to lv 60 about a month or so before the AQ event started. Loved playing the game then as much as I love playing now. However I was thinking about how it felt to play back in the day.

This was my main then. Its also my main now. BM hunter has always been my favorite spec in the game. Back in classic however the class felt like the red headed stepchild. I was never able to get in groups, guilds, or raids. I did okay in PVP and my favorite aspect of the game has always been soloing so it worked out great for that. Yet i felt like i missed out on so much for just being a spec no one wanted in a group.

Since then I’ve also played Affliction Lock (my 2nd fav class), Enhancement Shaman, shadow priest, and moonkin. Since I never played these specs during classic I am wondering how would they fair. Or is it best if I just stuck to playing BFA instead with them

Thanks for the feedback!

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Wrong forum. Classic has its own. You can edit your thread and swap to the correct forum.

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Warlocks are good in Classic, in raid content they are limited to one DoT on the boss. There are a few raid viable builds to go with, a couple which incorporate many Affliction talents.

Bm hunters arent meant to raid really. You’d be fine for solo content but hunters are bad in group content later on once everyone has gear.

i hope they tweak some of the specs to make them more viable because i really want to play a ret pally

You can play ret pally. They aren’t tweaking anything like that though. We had retadins in our raids on pservers.

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Amazing you love the “specs” that are least likely to be sought after for raids. Thing about raiding is you adapt to the mechanics/meta for raiding. Those specs you listed have their uses. It’s just not what most consider optimal. So you need to adapt by either respecting, starting your own raid group/guild, or finding that group that wants you in those specs.
Any of these are viable if your heart is set on raiding.
Most don’t use rifles or handguns for duck hunting because a shotgun is more optimal for the task at hand. Can you use a rifle or handgun for duck hunting? Sure can. You just better be a crack shot with it. Lol.

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BM Hunters are unfortunately focused around pets, which die all the time in Vanilla. Their damage also does not scale very well with gear (if at all?). Honestly, you get most of the functions of being a BM hunter, minus the 31-point rotational talent, without having any points in the BM tree. BM is strong at leveling, though. Survival is a PvP spec, and Marksmanship is the best PvE spec the whole way through Vanilla, by a wide margin.
You also get the whole fun of “bonding” with your pet in Vanilla by feeding it, keeping it happy, leveling it up, etc.

Warlock is a curious case. Affliction DoTs in Vanilla actually do a ton of damage, but you can’t use them outside of leveling and 5-mans because enemies only have 16 debuff slots for the entire raid to use. That means, most of the time, your raid will do more damage by using curses that increase various types of magic damage taken.
Destruction warlocks do a lot of damage, but they are limited until AQ 40 because everything has high amounts of fire resistance. Before that point, as a warlock, you are mostly doing this cool min/maxing by summoning/sacrificing your pets to do buff management and casting shadow bolt. The non-fun part is you are mostly just casting shadow bolt until AQ 40.

Enhancement Shaman is one of the classes that I would say is unfinished in Vanilla. They have empty globals in their offensive rotation, because Stormstrike is on a 30-second cooldown for some reason. Their damage output is poor in PvE, but they are absolute monsters in PvP. Like all shamans, they get to use totems, which in my opinion, are the most fun class element in all of Vanilla.

Shadow Priests generally go half-shadow and part holy/disc. In raids, you provide the Shadow Vulnerability debuff, which is essential. But you also do poor damage, so you end up being a healer/DPS hybrid most of the time. You are very strong in PvP.

Moonkin is very poorly balanced, and their numbers make it so that you just spam one ability most of the time. In order to do respectable damage, they have an extremely high gear requirement, which is often not worth it. Again, good in PvP.

As long as you know how to kite and trap you can do almost anything with a Hunter. Hunters are incredible in Vanilla.

It is almost miraculous that you have managed to pick almost exclusively bad specs when it comes vanilla raiding :smiley:

Hunters were almost exlusively marksmanship builds in raids
Warlocks were mostly destro in raids
Shamans were almost always healers
Shadow priests had one raid slot in later parts of vanilla rest were healers
Druids were mostly healers and some were offtanks and kittydps but basically none were “OOMkin” because of the glaring mana issues.

But in Vanilla/Classic anything can be done with enough determination.
You are not going to have an easy time though.

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hunters get back their aspect of the cheetah in vanilla! it’s no longer just a brief buff. it can be on all the time. you can get different pets for their unique attacks/abilities. gorillas get like a thunderstomp attack, allowing them to tank several at once.


OP, every class you like playing has a raid spec.

Most of the classes have some spec that is just not suitable for raiding. Arms Warriors, Subtlety Rogues, Beast Master Hunter, Boomkins etc

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Well, 2H Fury is basically Arms. You just pretend Bloodthirst is Mortal Strike and weigh your stats a bit differently. Mostly the same rotation, except you use Slam more.

2H Fury is good DPS while Arms is good burst. Then there is the limited debuff slot thing. No not the same.

I think you will find playing hunter in classic one of the more interesting classes.
BM was not a thing until TBC though.
A lot of classes like lock you are basically spamming one spell (sb) and watching the threat meter. I don’t think enhance shaman, SP or moonkin became a viable thing until TBC.
Check out legacy wow site on rotation.

… Arms only really has the MS debuff and better AoE.

AOE is often not important on bosses, occasionally it is.

Unfortunately there isn’t a real sim we can do for now to tell us which is better. In the past, 2H Fury was considered to be capable of better sustained DPS all things being equal.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Arms, and played it a ton and don’t even really like Fury. If I was a DPS Warrior with a raid spot all things considered I’d be 2H Furry and expect my sustained DPS to be higher from Flurry, Deathwish and Improved Execute.

So it seems I’m pretty much boned then? Heh I am a stubborn player and while I did try marks and survival, I always went back to BM. Its funny that they all seem to be good in PVP i loved doing BGs back then only because it seemed it was the only content I could get into.

I have never since vanilla had a class that healed or tanked. I’ve tried doing such during lving dungeons and I’ve been terrible at it :confused: I still can’t wait till classic is out, I loved the 6 months it took me to get to 60 then

Not sure how it will work on the classic servers but back in the day we weren’t even generally allowed to have our pets out in group content because people were paranoid something would go wrong with the bad pet ai.

At the end of the day it’s pretty irrelevant. While hunters were good dps in MC they fell off pretty hard and by Naxx you only brought two hunters for tranq in an ideal situation.

You seem to want to be DPS I’d suggest mage or warrior.

Enh and Shadow had pretty major threat issues, especially Enh with unpredictable WF procs. Some groups would bring one shadow priest for the debuff but that was it. They were pvp specs.

Moonkin… was the worst dps in classic in my opinion. It had crippling mana issues, I’ve seen people say there were ways to address it on the board, but I don’t know what those were.

Shadow Priests were the worst for dps in a raid setting. Enh isn’t so bad, you just had to let the tank build some threat before you go swinging or use FW instead. It doesn’t eat your flurry procs and is almost as good in a pre-raid setting.