How will layering work with things like world bosses?

Apologies if this has been asked/answered already, but how will layering work with world bosses? Scenario: World Boss spawns in my layer, I make a group, will kill it. World Boss also exists in another layer so I have a friend invite me to that layer and I kill the World Boss again.

It will be completely gone by phase 2 when world bosses are introduced.


Will it though? I know they said “Sharding” would be gone by Phase 2, or rather, that was the plan, but now “Sharding” has been replaced by layering.

Based off of what Blizzard said,yes it will.

Yes. It has to be. Blizzard has already acknowledged that this has to happen.

Do you have a source? Guessing it was on a panel or something.

It’s definetly out there somewhere. I don’t know exactly what panel/video it was but I know it was Ion himself who said it would be completely gone by phase 2.

Okay cool. Good news then. Thanks for the info!


From the mega thread that’s pinned at the top of the forums.

Ah cool, thanks! Glad to see there’s an end in sight.

I don’t know if I would commit so heartily to Blizzard’s promise to “completely” remove this feature. I would expect some of it to still play a part, albeit in the leveling zones mostly. The dev’s have all but stated that it doesn’t really exist in higher-end content.

That’s not how layering works, it’s continent wide. When they remove it, they remove it everywhere.

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