How will classic affect retail server population?

Retail is going to take a massive hit, whether people want to believe it or not.


You may find it increases it.

I’ve seen a number of Trade comments in the cities from people recently returning to WoW because of Classic. Since they, like us, have the option to play both, you will probably find that they will take a break to drip their toes into current content. But even if they don’t, and even if people currently playing BfA switch to Classic, that isn’t all that relevant. Thing is, a lot of players have quit BfA due to burn out and boredom. Leaving the game entirely or switching to Classic, the result is the same.


Too late to avoid that.


So you think that because people aren’t logging in right before 8.2 at the end of a tier that’s been going on for 6 months that retail is dying? Or is that just how you interpret boredom with the current tier because that’s what you believe anyways? Yep totally guys! Game is dead. Everyone can go home! lol

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I think it’s dying because I see my btag list that had over 70 people on it at the start of the expansion barren.

I think it’s dying because I watched two guilds and two raid teams I was on die this expansion because they couldn’t keep players around.

I think it’s dying because I had to actually faction change just to have a decent time finding meaningful end game content to do at an easier rate.

Keep making up excuses though.


I’m not the one pretending my anecdotal experiences are more than anecdotal experiences. The game has had Chicken Little’s running around since vanilla claiming the game was dying/dead. It’s still here. You’re no different.


It’s a common occurrence in BfA, I supposed you’d understand if you did more end game content than medium to low keys.

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Ah yes, when you don’t have a real argument to make fall back to an ad hominem fallacy. Bravo /slowclap.

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That is a real argument. That’s like when players who do nothing but world quests and LFR claim the game is doing perfectly fine. lol

“No problem here finding groups for my world quests”

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Unfortunately Hype is just Hype… just remember back to WoD the massive hype train that surrounded that too. The players who are brought in on the Hype train bandwagons aren’t permanent players.

Furthermore, you can just look at the private servers population numbers for Nostralius and Elysium, at launch they were high, but 2-3 months in, the populations tanked once everyone hit 60 and ran out of content worth doing… only ever getting spikes in active users as each new content patches released (new raids/dungeons).

So i’d expect the same thing for Classic. 1-3 months of a healthy high population number than a sharp decline as everyone runs out of things worth doing and get bored… then just spikes each phase (content patch).

To give you an idea of the numbers the private servers saw, Elysium for example had ~100,000 users during it’s initial launch, but that tanked all the way down to ~10,000 players after 2-3 months. then just spikes in the 20,000-25,000 range on patch releases… and once everything was said and done, and the final Naxx patch went live and once people had nothing else to do and no more future patches… you rarely saw more than 1,000-1,500 online.

I’d expect retail classic to have a similar experience, except with larger numbers (i.e. 10 million at launch, but tank to <1 million after a couple months, and ultimately tank to <150,000 a couple months after Naxx)

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I mean, if you think ad hominem is an argument, cool. Good for you I guess. But it’s not, at least it’s not a logically sound argument. And if you’re fine with making logically unsound arguments and you feel justified by them, that’s kinda where our conversation ends because you’re not a rational person and there’s nowhere for our conversation to go because I don’t accept unsound arguments as worth engaging with beyond simply pointing them out.

It was going to end right after your last reply since you have no idea what you’re talking about anyway. Good luck on those low keys though, I’m happy you find this game to be in such high population that it won’t be bothersome to you.

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People returning to live would require devs to actually work on the game and stop pushing crappy mechanics.

People wanting talents trees doesn’t = another artifact system, if the wheel works why keep trying to change it.


I raid heroic casually, I run M10+ weekly on multiple characters (side note, this is an alt and it’s the one I have to post to the Classic Beta in dev forums on so it’s the one I’m posting on). I’m not particularly concerned with whether you, a random internet ego, thinks that’s enough to warrant an opinion on the topic at hand. You don’t have the power to stop me from posting so you’re kinda outta luck beyond trying to dismiss me with fallacies. Good luck with that. I’ll just laugh and keep posting anyways. You’ll find a way to cope I’m sure.

Welcome to the WoW forum, little buddy.

I don’t want you to stop posting. I’d rather the forum not be as dead as the Alliance group finder, Alliance raiding scene, Alliance key scene, and Alliance pvp scene.

I already have, other games. :slight_smile:


It’s a different game. It’s not for everyone. The idea that everyone will be into giving up fun that qol brought to the game is tunnel vision.

And in any case, even if it’s amazingly successful, it will have a relatively short run. The learning phase isn’t there. Everybody knows all that stuff already. And it’s going to come to an end, after which there won’t be anybody to play with on it in the numbers necessary to raid or walk to dungeons.

Isn’t BfA just as much of a tedious grindy hell in its own way?


Classic won’t affect pve, but I could certainly see it affecting pvp population.

Proof of that was the hype for WoD… that train had standing room only.

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It won’t. Not everyone wants to play Classic, and there will only be so much to do before people get bored and want to have movement. So it’s not really going to I don’t feel.