How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources)

Please, turn to @BlizzardCS on twitter at this point. Will greatly speed this up.


Blizz please help us and fix this problem

It’s already being spammed with links.

We could make tickets or livechat if they still do that and open the floodgates, its insane they havent said anything yet

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Still no word from the 3 guys working on TBC


Honor points you earn now does not get wiped when TBC starts. If you’re at honor cap, you’re good to grab the offslot epic pvp gear (bracers, belt, boots, cloak, ring, trinkets) the moment you ding 70. The points you get now is actual real transferable power to the new max level. No one gives a f- about people rocking r14 weps - good for them! They can actually start having fun now.


Which would be fine, if the pre patch was 6 weeks long.

2 weeks at this honor rate means you really gotta no life it.

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Does a camel have two humps or BUMPS

hello blizzard

Pretty defeated at this point ay. what a joke of a prepatch


I’ve been a dedicated customer of blizzard since the very first Diablo.
All it feels like now is that this company doesn’t know how to manage proper communication with their customers. With that being said, the absolute greed with the 35$USD down to 15$USD for a character copy and then this 10x nerf clearly states how clearly you guys are disconnected from the reality. Either: A- Do some marketing / basic math skills improvements or B-Continue to show us how your shareholders wants you to milk people with recycled games.

Stop ignoring your customers.


Bump for visibility

fix it bliz

Where is the response?


A whole 9-5 work day in Irvine California has passed since the hotfix (9-5pm) and no response.

So i guess its staying? Amazing how you can ruin so many months of hype in 24hours huh


15 hrs no statement gj blizz


Real odd to see senior designer positions on the blizzard website. Sounds like u guys just roll dice to make decisions over there

Blizzard please fix the honor! It’s making the game a chore rather than a hobby.

It is a real shame. If i could unsub for these 2weeks i totally would.

Shame to see blizzard taking what was the original crews GREAT WORK and turning it into some cash cow thats got 100 tubes piping money out of it

The honor for a win would be fine if we got honor for kill. I got full HWL in vanilla prepatch in a few days with a full time job. I couldn’t get full HWL now if I made WoW my job. We didn’t have the new races for prepatch or store mounts. Some changes are ok when it makes Blizzard money but not when it allows us to have fun?