How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources)

Firstly, I have no opinion on the matter. Honor gains during TBC pre-patch don’t matter to me. I just love to dig through old vids for facts. Anyway, here’s Neilyo 3.

Neilyo 3 is a really good video to check because it’s actually from the pre-patch. Although very blurry, you can see the single digit honor gain on the SCT compared to the double digit energy gains at 13:02 and then one more time at 13:21. I wanna say he gets 7 honor per kill but yeah, very blurry.

Thanks for the attempt, even on my bigger 29" monitor and at max settings I couldn’t make out the numbers lol. Sigh

sell outs to the more money wont bring you more players

That would at least make more sense I suppose. Good find. Gotta love those old pvp vids

Pretty sure it says +7 Honor here but you are right. Don’t stare at this for too long you may go blind.

People keep saying that but here we are all still playing.

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Yeah, I was playing during the actual TBC prepatch and the rate of honor gain felt way off after the hotfix.

The original prepatch was 3 times as long and we earned far more honor from HKs than we are currently. This needs to be fixed.

LOL jesus christ man. Ya, I can make it out BARELY now. Tbh, I think the main take away form what is happening now is, the honor system MIGHT be right. In terms of bonus/kill honor. BUT, the time frame we are given to farm all of this out in, is just completely insane. Unless you’re using the Men’s room in a sock, you’re %@$&ed.

I think we’re still playing in desperation that we just scrounge as much gear as possible and or we’re farming out gear for when we ding 70, either way you look at it. I can only imagine a small fraction quit the game over it, or actually unsub. If there is anything that might bring me closer to the point of doing so, it’s definitely this awful customer service and rushed timelines, and 14 hour wait times for them to blame US for maintenance due to “players having too many marks in their mailboxes” like c’mon…

if it was the case of having too many marks then why would marks be a thing and not every item in the mail…

Bump get it fixed

Bingo, they just past the blame onto the players and basically used that as their shield for the massive extended maintenance.

“small Fraction” idk if you’ve seen the forums. This is bigger than that

They are releasing such a buggy state of the game that BY THE WAY is 13-14 years old that they already have and it’s this broken. But the Microtransactions work fine.

The ontopp of that they push a fake nerf to the honor system that was never bugged in the first place awarding the proper rate of honor. (Btw it shouldnt even have had any issues from the start, because again its data that is re-released)

Then we also have the Maintenance that was bugged and ontopp of that where players afterwards couldnt even log in to play for another few hours ontopp of that.

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Please Blizzard, the community is genuinely pissed off about this change. Please get this situation solved.


Ive never used forums! Please take a look at this Blizzard. This is very concerining


I don’t know. I’ve heard some people are having issues with boosted characters as well.

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And their server transfers are offline as well.

This why i gave up wow retail with knee jerk reaction nerfs.