How we REALLY got our TBC honor (with sources)

LOL jesus christ man. Ya, I can make it out BARELY now. Tbh, I think the main take away form what is happening now is, the honor system MIGHT be right. In terms of bonus/kill honor. BUT, the time frame we are given to farm all of this out in, is just completely insane. Unless you’re using the Men’s room in a sock, you’re %@$&ed.

I think we’re still playing in desperation that we just scrounge as much gear as possible and or we’re farming out gear for when we ding 70, either way you look at it. I can only imagine a small fraction quit the game over it, or actually unsub. If there is anything that might bring me closer to the point of doing so, it’s definitely this awful customer service and rushed timelines, and 14 hour wait times for them to blame US for maintenance due to “players having too many marks in their mailboxes” like c’mon…

if it was the case of having too many marks then why would marks be a thing and not every item in the mail…

Bump get it fixed

Bingo, they just past the blame onto the players and basically used that as their shield for the massive extended maintenance.

“small Fraction” idk if you’ve seen the forums. This is bigger than that

They are releasing such a buggy state of the game that BY THE WAY is 13-14 years old that they already have and it’s this broken. But the Microtransactions work fine.

The ontopp of that they push a fake nerf to the honor system that was never bugged in the first place awarding the proper rate of honor. (Btw it shouldnt even have had any issues from the start, because again its data that is re-released)

Then we also have the Maintenance that was bugged and ontopp of that where players afterwards couldnt even log in to play for another few hours ontopp of that.

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Please Blizzard, the community is genuinely pissed off about this change. Please get this situation solved.


Ive never used forums! Please take a look at this Blizzard. This is very concerining


I don’t know. I’ve heard some people are having issues with boosted characters as well.

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And their server transfers are offline as well.

This why i gave up wow retail with knee jerk reaction nerfs.

Buff the honor blizz. You have already changed TBC. You cant say “but this is the way it was” Its nothing like it was gg

Im not praising them or anything just the reality of everything with them is to purposefully take more time to do things to make as much money as possible. People been playing this game 15 years acting like they are gonna quit on the forums yet logging on everyday.

I guess since its getting into this territory now from the responses my opinion on Blizzard is they suck as of 2021. Retail sucks, I try every expansion hoping to see that lightning in a bottle I got from TBC/Wrath/Hell even Legion was notable at least but not as good as the aforementioned ones.

I still play because I’ve been playing since 2004 its hard to let go I guess.

As a player debating purchasing the Dark Portal Pass, the change in honor has swayed me against making the purchase. I was excited to get the pass and have an avanue for getting gear. However, that door was such by Blizzard. I don’t expect to be handed gear by any means but the rate at which you gain honor right now is beyond abysmal.

The problems with the boosted toons is that the greens are total A$$. Like seriously, inspect a boosted toon and look at the greens you’re given. Like wtf is that garbage. Some of the rogue items just have a meager amount of stam on them and that’s it. No agi, no strength, just some stam. Wow, thanks for the greens, can’t wait to do no damage and get killed by a level 56 plaguebat in the plaguelands after it fears me into one extra mob. Such a joke. Once I saw the boosted toons gear that people had, that’s what made my mind up on 100% not using it and wasting the $$ on it.

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I play Ally on Classic, and my god. I pity you Horde players. How long are your queues? Back in P3 I played Horde and AV’s were roughly an hour and 45 mins, and WSG and AB was about 30-45 mins depending on the day. All that waiting now, for 80 bonus honor on a bad game. LOL ya, no thanks. At least as Ally I get in a BG after not even 60 seconds from queueing.

Weither the boost itself ingame works propperly is irrelevant, what they made sure worked, which worked completely fine after maintenance was the ability to purchase deluxe edition or the dark pass. then using the boost etc worked. But then everything else were broken.

On my battle group currently its 10-14 min for WSG or AB. About 11-12 for AV.

I didn’t mean anything ill by what I said of course, I’m in total agreement with you on what you;re saying though. I legit couldn’t stop playing the game even if I wanted to. I have so much freetime on my hands due to occupation, that it’s either I play the game, or with myself. Soooo, I try and balance those out as best I can… But in all seriousness, I wouldn’t quit over this, it’s just extremely frustrating, and ya I hear ya on retail. I always come back for the first season of every xpac just for the PvP gear/arena. Titles and mounts etc. And then i leave, totally disappointed. Time and time again. Gonna do my best not get the next xpac though, as I am totally expecting pure garbage. So TBCC, PLEASE be good.

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