How was this Wowhead article approved for publishing?

Especially in a 2 faction base game that has no other casus bellum really. humans hate orcs and on down the line with race based epic rap battles. Blizzard should stick to that.

We don’t have wars for money for example. no wars for oil to put plainly lol. Azerite? forgotten. also a debate of bfa. Probably why forgotten . Are we the champions of azeroth or over glorified mercs collecting paychecks off azerite.

yeah we are collecting it to save the world. and fuel our military projects…that pay us good money.

we don’t even have awww they got a sweet trade deal with entity x creating for global economic disparity war is deemed the solution to “readjust”.

vendor x for the alliance has, will, and always sell only to the alliance. He ain’t putting horde vendors out of business. Nor is horde vendor x affecting alliance trade. He only sells to, you guessed it, horde.

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Indeed. Why not broach the topic of Night Elves and illiteracy? Are Night Elves a 100% literate race? Are Night Elves more literate than Trolls or Orcs?

If so…why? Why would Trolls and their ancient empire and tablets and scrolls be less literate than the back-woods hippie Night Elves?

How many of you defending this story ever even considered the Night Elves being illiterate before tonight? Be honest?!!


Exactly! Literacy even for us real world humans is a new thing. We’ve only had high literacy rates for just over a century. Back in the late 1800s education was something only the wealthy could afford, which is why in the 1870s only 20% of men and 25% of women in London could read. The further back you go, the scarcer education becomes.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Because Elves aren’t living in a caste society. Do…do you even know what that is?

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Problematic literally how? This is a video game talking about a race that literally dosent exist irl how is this a problem at all?

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But as you yourself pointed out, this is a fictional setting. There is no reason why a Troll should be less literate than a human. There is also no reason why Blizzard should choose to broach this topic with a troll character vs. any other race.

Just acknowledge the tone-deafness.


He was taught to read a language wasnt he? So he would be illiterate. Just because im not isolated from German people or French people or people from Nigeria, doesnt mean I know their language and can read it. Im illiterate to their language. WoW doesnt just have one language for all to understand.

The Alliance and Horde cant communicate with each other in game. If an Orc tried talking to my character for instance, I would have no clue what they are saying. Demonic is also another language.

And no, not all trolls would be isolated, but not all trolls are the same either. Some are and probably want to be left alone and some arent.

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You can’t take everything in the game literally, though.

If that was the case mounts just materialize out of thin air or all the souls in the maw would just hearth out, you need to apply your own reasoning to in game mechanics and the like.

Our characters can read and write but we don’t seem to be commoner sorts, go talk to a farmer in Westfall and I don’t know how much they’d be reading.

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Ah GD, you folks are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

I won’t acknowledge it, because it’s not tone-deaf.

It fits the setting of the world. Literacy is not common in the warcraft universe, it never has been.

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The only person that brought up Thalassian was the author’s wife on Twitter in a desperate attempt to defend her husband who does not even know the difference between the Dark Portal and the Well of Eternity despite being the historian/loremaster at Blizzard.


Why use what for trolls? Tribes? Because they live in tribes? I dont know what you are asking because there is a lack of context.

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If so (despite no indication that it is common in Warcraft), then choose another character of another race, more preferrably an Alliance race, to broach that topic.

There is NO REASON to bring that up in Exploring Kalimdor. None.

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That has absolutely nothing to do what I posted. I didnt bring up Thalassian.

There are quests in Elwynn Forest where you take a love letter from one farmer’s daughter to another farmer’s son.

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By the way, with respect to the other ‘lore mistakes’ in the book. We are reading a book written from the perspective of a young troll who does not even know what erosion means and until recently, was illiterate. From that perspective it is understandable that he could make mistakes on what years events took place and the names of certain locations.

I swear, folks are just looking for something to be pissed at Blizzard about.

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Why hit trolls with the brush of isolated lower knowledge level tribes when they’re anything but?

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My main issue with the excerpts I’ve seen is the barely sound like troll speak. With a “be” thrown in randomly (they be blah blah) it’s not as good as how it was written in the pre-shadowlands book.
Also…poisoning the water? Yes, the water is no longer pure and will prob kill you if you drink it, but its like run off and/or oil, not legit poison or blight like in undercity.

My true issue with this is the Gazlowe letter. Gazlowe is pretty chill and that letter came off way more gallywix-ish.

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The Blizzard-apologists anthem.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. What? Are you just ignoring lore or something? Lower level knowledge tribes is exactly how Troll society is set up.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!