How tv lies to you

so my mom loves shows like the bachelor

i quickly went from 2022-2010 and looked at the careers of every single bachelor


a bunch of 6’3" ex jock chads who are good at getting promoted

not a single doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc.

you know the people that actually make society function, not people who look good in a suit, go to power lunches, talk about corporate culture, and get paid 500k a year to make 1 powerpoint presentation a month to the board

you are killing us karen


Back in the day, there was two shows running at the same time and I got the names mixed up but one starred Bear Grills and the other Les Stroud.

The one starring Bear Grills was a total lie. The first one I seen was he was stranded in Colorado, I think? Maybe Montana or Wyoming. Anyways, he came to a creek and it showed him wearing a gray sweater. They cut to him floating in the creek and it was so obvious he was wearing a life vest under that sweater and his backpack could suddenly float. They next cut was him existing the stream and his life vest was magically gone and his backpack was flat.

Then there was the volcano chasers that made fun of him.

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He actually had a campsite in all of the shows where he was “sleeping in the wild”. He wasnt legally allowed to do that. His real name is Eddy Michael. He wasnt even allowed to do what he wanted to do for the show. He was in SAS though. SAS make Navy SEALs look like cupcakes. (quote from a movie).

Yeah I know but just because you were in the SAS doesn’t mean you’re not a bad actor.

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Unlike “reality” tv, movies are great places to get accurate information.

How has TV lied to me? Well I was told that if I got hit on the head by a two-ton boulder or had a big bomb explode in my hands I could just shake it off and keep chasing the Road Runner, but that was a lie!

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