How toxic the community has gotten

So on my level 80 tank I was in an instance and noticed the Shaman healer, in healer spec and gear decided they didn’t want to heal and just cast chain lighting.

I mentioned it to the group and asked the healer to heal. I place healer as focus so I could see the casting. Nope. Still Chain Lighting. Not even a healing totem.

So I voted to kick said healer. Vote failed and they kicked me instead.

I just don’t get it. It used to be such a good community. Chats filled with conversation and when asked tells on how to improve game play.

Now it’s really crap. No one cares. And THAT is what will kill the game. We the player base wants me me me. But don’t give a flip for others. We don’t value each other like we used to. With LFR and Q for instances, who cares right? I’ll never see them again.

Bliz understands the bottom line. Then they need to understand that if they allow the game to become toxic. Players will leave. But yes they come and go. But if you do not sustain your population, the bottom line get effected.

I wish for the good ol days where we used to run up and help someone if we see them struggle. When we helped each other. When we cared about our names and guildtags… wishful thinking I know.


Were people dying and the healer wasn’t healing?

Or was it a Timewalking where no one takes damage and the healer can pump?


so nothing wrong happened, you just wanted to dictate how someone else played and it didnt work out for you? wow how toxic of them not to bend to your will!

pretty deserved based on what you provided here


Was anyone taking massive amounts of damage or dying?

And the group decided they were okay with the Shaman not healing, but weren’t okay with you making a big deal out of it.

I mean… the group decided you were the problem and they were okay with the chain lightning healer.

Sounds like the group valued the healer and not you being upset about the healer.

I do this every day. :dracthyr_shrug:


You new here?

WoW’s community has been toxic since the very beginning. It literally never changed. People who play(ed) various MMOs know that WoW is the worst one when it comes to the people playing it.

The bait is strong today.

I did like 20 TW runs as Windwalker and healed just fine. Except Deadmines. That place is booty.

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See 2007 barrens chat

What instance? M+?

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Lol. This isnt toxic at all. You initiated a vote kick that the group disagreed with…

Realistically, they probably kicked you because they thought you were being toxic


To be fair… I get annoyed in LFR when people are taking massive amounts of damage or dying because all of the healers went DPS spec… and I’ve seen that happen in LFG groups sometimes, too. So I can see being annoyed if people were dying or taking damage.

But… getting that petty by doing this?

I can’t imagine being that obsessed in LFG to focus someone just to see if they’re doing their job.

I mean, if everyone’s dying left and right, sure, maybe check to see what the healer is doing.

But it sounds to me like if the vote kick failed… nothing was going wrong.

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I agree that you shouldn’t have been kicked; Clearly some friends ganged up on you for your disagreement.

People just aren’t what they’re supposed to be, man. I’ve dropped being social in-game. It’s either non-existant or gets weird quick. Every now and then there’s a cool experience, I recently had a nice chat, but there’s just too many problems people reflect from the real world’s conundrums, in-game. Even I did that for a time - because of things related (back in the day). It is what it is.

I’ve seen everything from fun-ruiners to groups that manifest and target people without ever knowing what they’re doing - and people that find targets for harassment or other toxic behaviour to then watch (like an audience) communities melt down or eat at eachother. It’s just what the internet can provide and it does happen in Warcraft.

One of the strangest things (apart from socially dissociative behaviour) I’ve ever seen is people coordinating PvP content to lose on purpose for someone’s gain - or to follow someone around to do so, however that may be. It’s like that everywhere, some way or another.

That’s not to say this is directly related to that type activity but it’s just not something you can really dwell on. Being with your buddies and saying ‘nah kick this guy instead’ for it to succeed is pretty common, albiet inappropriate.

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This person joined within the hour, posted a complaint, and then bailed without responding or participating in the conversation.

Big oof

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Why do I feel like the people who complain the “community” doesn’t talk to each other anymore are the same people that report someone for saying something they disagree with.

If you have to place the healer as your focus to see if they are healing…

That tells me there isn’t actually any damage going out.


Working as intended. You were being toxic.

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If that’s the case you are part of the problem. OP was being toxic.

Wow isn’t that toxic though. By any means

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Follower Dungeons cure all of this.


ROFL that’s hilarious.

Or make your own group with a trusted healer. They were probably a 3 or 4 stack and you made the mistake of not just going with it. Things have changed in my 19 years as a tank, so I never solo queue with randos.

I was in TW today, and i did a few pulls , maybe like 1.6mil dps, and someone came to my door and i AFKed for a good 5 mins and no one kicked me lol

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