How to wpvp aff?

I consider myself a decent aff player.

I just lost to a feral druid who I outgear by 23. (I did get cocky at first so that could be why)
Rogues around my ilvl can basically one shot me.
If I get locked out of my spells I dont have other spells I can use (I think this issue will continue in sl too) not even any defensives whatsoever

wpvp is difficult for me because I dont have many ways to get away or protect myself from players if I ever get ganked. I use items (speed, invisibility, etc. potions) to try and negate what little survivability we have against 2 or more players but its not enough when I don’t have immunity to their unlimited slows.

I know pre-patch/expansion is coming soon, but is it any better?
Does anyone know if aff will be viable for wpvp by then?

For the “get gud” folks, I am very much open to learning so if u have some tricks that u can share with me that would be amazing.

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short asnwer: you dont wpvp as affliction, Ion made sure to make us useless in BFA.


Get reallllllly good at fake casting. For rogues, try to get them to pop their Cloak of Shadows. Once their Cloak is off cooldown, go HAM! (But with Ojoverde ^ said, your chances as Aff against melee is very low. lmao. Aff is trash right now. Just afk until prepatch where Aff is decent.

There’s nothing you can do to win 1v1 as affliction unless they are clicking their spells.


Affliction is just not good 1v1, or in any context really. The damage takes too long to ramp up, dark-glare is too easily stopped, and you lack any real defensive countermeasures.

You aren’t going to beat someone unless you greatly out-skill them and they’re just bad.

On the other hand, a geared destro or demo can 1v4 world pvp noobs fairly easily.

There is a streamer/youtuber called soullscape that has videos of Aff world pvp. Check it out

aff is so tough to wpvp with now. When i see an aff on my demo, the sad truth is i think its the easiest kill in the game and so far 100% it has turned out that way. From what i have seen for sl it does not look like much of an improvement. Legion aff was so good that aff is being punished for multiple expacs thereafter. Such a dumb way to present classes by the developer.

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It seems better in shadowlands videos?

The problem is that they punished players for a decision they didnt make, devs where the ones that didnt balanced properly the spec during legion, not the players, however the players were the ones punished.

Against a feral fake casting isn’t really going to help, they just stun you anyway. Their self heals will out heal your dots, and they’ll just wear you down, with stuns and bleeds.

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You guys should check out Soulsscape on youtube. Of course… his gear is maxed out. that’s the only way you stand a chance in wpvp, lmao.

To even read through your comments makes me sad​:joy::joy::joy:

all good yall, prepatch next week and aff is getting some love (right?)…

which is why im switching to demo cuz i like playing the underdog specs :crazy_face: