How to wipe out the High Elves

By that logic – Then Nightborne aren’t a different race to Nightelves.

… And Night Elves, Blood Elves, High Elves, Void Elves and Nightborne should just all be renamed into ‘Trolls’ with customisation menu to vary between how they look.

They’re the same species, not the same race. It’s different.

  • Race: The fact or condition of belonging to a racial division or group, or the qualities or characteristics associated with this.
  • Species: The group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g. Homosapiens.

Honey, being lactose intolerant doesn’t make my blood purple, it doesn’t give me a dual echoing voice or cause me to sprout tentacles off my head or make me glow like radioactive blueberry.

I believe once the color of your blood changes and you start growing tentacles out of your head it’s pretty obvious that they’ve been changed on a genetic level.


I suppose when magic is involved, anything is possible.

I’m just going to say I don’t like haughty high elves and how they look down on the other elven races, especially the Sin’dorei who were once Quel’dorei themselves. It’s hard to feel any sympathy for conceited bigots who make no real contributions to the war effort. The crime of committing a genocide in Dalaran back in Mists of Pandaria still feels unpunished and I felt horrible when I did it for the first time during remix. Still; for that reason I probably wouldn’t vouch for their races extinction as a whole. But we can absolutely start with Vereesa Windrunner.

I have another idea. Forcible conversion to a Void Elf. Accept the Void as your hope and savior.

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not doing it. ignore that ive done it. lol

they arent real people. they are fictional characters, written as jaina’s bodyguards and defenders of the kirin tor. think of them like a fictional secret service detail. what should bug you is that devs make these decisions for ingame races so you end up with players having to feel guilty that their fictional race occasionally is not good.

It’s been a while since the horde committed genocide, so I think we’re due for that

Just group all the elves into one race and keep them Horde and put the Tauren in the Alliance side…

not. playing. horde. well thats not true. not. maining. horde. :grin:

I’m failing to see your point. Though by your logic of establishing that these are “fictional characters” as you put it; then I guess it really doesn’t matter what happens to all of them either, right? Especially when they’re not contributing anything worthwhile to the story. Secret service? The Alliance has SI:7 for that. The strongest point I see to the Quel’dorei’s existence is that they mostly exist to honor the Alliance’s former relations with the elven kingdoms before Garrithos discriminated (pretty much everyone) the Sin’dorei and their prince as nothing more than disposable savages. The Quel’dorei are also a very, very small percentage, considering that 90% of the Sin’dorei race was killed during the scourges invasion of the Sunwell, and the Quel’dorei are even smaller percentage than that. Simply put: the Quel’dorei are not above killing their own, or leaving their own to die, and they exist by being cowards. The Quel’dorei are a symptom of old faction hatreds and they have no place in the modern game if the Sin’dorei re-established their tenuous peace with the Alliance. As a result: if the narrative is to move in this new direction. The Quel’dorei effectively have to A) rejoin the Sin’dorei or B) become spider food.

Ooh I love satisfying ultimatums don’t you?

not really since i wanted them to be playable, but they arent. as far as i know all races in the game can be written at any time, to be or do bad things. this is how we lost sylvannas. if the devs wanted to, they coulda written the silver covenant and veressa as active, honorable, do no harm npcs. but they instead ignored their development most of the time, since they werent playable and were just useful on occasion.

for example, they lead the invasion of the isle of thunder, for alliance, in tandem with the kirin tor. they were jaina’s release valve over the divine bell incident, theft of the focusing iris and loss of theramore. they got to stand in front of elisande with the other elf races and be lectured on their sex lives. and they ran windrunners overlook and the argent tournament. and thats about it