How to win the expac war

Don’t play then don’t think anyone will care, game will be fine without you.

This is way too long-winded, I’m afraid.

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why do people make such long, drawn-out posts when it’s obvious it’ll just be TBC as it was?
i cant be the only one tired of these same threads saying “well THIS is how tbc should be done”


Because vanilla was not done the same way it was done 17 years ago, so there is no precedent to believe that TBC will be done the same as in 2007. Therefore, there is room for discussion about how best to do it.

Blizzcon 2021

Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

With a Fresh Option

Replicate this the same way for Wrath

Continue playing my current Classic TBC character on my existing server as it progresses to the Wrath expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic TBC server that will never progress past level 70.

With a Fresh Option

FYI as a player that played all three Versions (I liked TBC the best and have no Interest in Wrath), thinking things clearly this is the best way to organically progress the game while separating the versions “SORTING” all the players into the Version they want to play.

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Yes there is. The ONLY reason vanilla was different is because they didn’t have any data pre 1.12. They have all of the tbc data.


100% correct


I really think this guy just rolls his face across the keyboard without doing the tiniest amount of research. Either that or he’s gonna be super disappointed at blizzconline.

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What is wrong with this generation?


Who knows I just want everyone to have a home. Vanilla, TBC, and wrath. All the fans deserve their version of Wow. We are all in this together.


Lord have mercy. No way I’m reading that. Add a tldr if you’re going to write more than a few paragraphs.

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Open beta TBC servers. The characters you create there roll over into the servers that open for live game play in The Burning Crusade Classic.


Move onto the next thread discussing some other “new” thing that won’t be happening during The Burning Crusade launch…

This is identical to the guy that keeps opening new forum topics concerning the want of having fresh start servers.

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Fresh is ok as a option. But progressing everyone and offering transfers for those whom want to stay on a vanilla server stasis is the smart way to go. Vanilla players are consolidated together.

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This is a dumb argument. Of course the game’s success doesn’t depend on any one person quitting. But if large amounts of people stop paying a subscription it matters to blizzard and the game.


which is why the best way to separate Vanilla players from TBC/WRATH is to progress servers forward and offer transfers downward to stasis vanilla servers and consolidate all the people who just want to play vanilla.

Blizzcon 2021

Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

With a Fresh Option


I really don’t care what your reasonings are behind this idea (I did read it), that’s a HUGE change in the way BC played, making it not BC, anymore. Blood Elves are a Horde Race, and Draenei are Alliance. They’re not Neutral Races.

This doesn’t help test Outlands Content, which you must be at least level 58, for.

While I don’t mind “fresh” BC Servers, you contradict yourself, the further I read your thread. You say this:

Then this:

Um, what?

I understand your thought process behind this (if we’re starting at 58) because that’s how it is with DKs and DHs, but we’re changing how BC is played, now. Your idea isn’t BC, at all.



  1. That’s why they invented Layering, and 2. What character transfers? From where to where?

Um, there should be NO connection between Classic and BC. Keep them separate and divided. This should not be in the hands of the players. If anybody is copying characters, it should be Blizz. Here’s what I suggest:

I wholeheartedly disagree with your idea, COMPLETELY.

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Nobody really cares about “FrEsH SeRvRs” - This meme is played out, I support blizzard making one fresh server so we don’t have to hear this anymore.

Just release TBC as is then Wrath within year and a half to 2 years and call it good.

ur gonna play.



:frowning: I thought we were building something special together. Kidding. You’re still fun though. I won’t hold this against you … too long. :smiley:

We still can :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I try :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Deal! :+1: