I had a very hard time finding this information in one place so hopefully this will help someone…
All you have to do is:
/equipslot slot# itemname
Example Macro to switch from Mainhand/OH to Mainhand/Shield (probably one of the more difficult things to do because of how one handers and shields interact with each other):
/equipslot 16 mainhandname
/equipslot 17 offhandname
/equipslot 17 shieldname
Then you can just swap using one button. Yay.
/equip itemname macros didn’t work for doing this because instead of swapping the OH and my shield, it’d swap my MH and OH and keep the shield on.
The slot numbers are as follows:
AmmoSlot |
0 |
HeadSlot |
1 |
NeckSlot |
2 |
ShoulderSlot |
3 |
ShirtSlot |
4 |
ChestSlot |
5 |
WaistSlot |
6 |
LegsSlot |
7 |
FeetSlot |
8 |
WristSlot |
9 |
HandsSlot |
10 |
Finger0Slot |
11 |
Finger1Slot |
12 |
Trinket0Slot |
13 |
Trinket1Slot |
14 |
BackSlot |
15 |
MainHandSlot |
16 |
SecondaryHandSlot |
17 |
RangedSlot |
18 |
TabardSlot |
19 |
Bag0Slot |
20 |
Bag1Slot |
21 |
Bag2Slot |
22 |
Bag3Slot |
23 |
and I got this information from another post. Thank you to that kind soul. Never would’ve figured out how to do this otherwise.
Thanks, I will use this definitely!
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I use to do my weapon swap macro like this. I’ve since found a better way in my opinion. It accomplishes the same thing but goes about it a little differently. The advantage of this way is you don’t have to rewrite the macro every time you get new gear or use a different set. All you do is switch weapons on your hot bar.
First you need to identify your UI button for the /click function. Make a macro with this script:
/run local f = GetMouseFocus(); if f then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(f:GetName()) end
Place the UI-Button macro in the hotbar slot you want said weapon in, click it, and it will return the “name” of the button in your chat to enter in on your weapon swap macro. This will be different depending on what UI addon you use for your hotbars. Regardless though, you must enter the returned text exactly as shown or it will not work. I use ElvUI so it returns: “ElvUI_Bar6Button1” for the first button on bar 6.
My weapon swap macro looks like this and use the “?” icon:
#showtooltip 16
/click ElvUI_Bar6Button1
/click ElvUI_Bar6Button2
/click ElvUI_Bar6Button3
In button 1 I place my mainhand for dual wielding or 2hand weapon. Button 2 gets my shield, and button 3 get my offhand for dual wielding or mainhand w/ shield.
The #showtooltip 16 with the “?” icon will show what weapon is equipped in your mainhand. This will actively change as you click the macro. If you want to show your offhand instead use #showtooltip 17
Hope this helps
Gotta say that sounds even more cumbersome unless you only have a few things to swap out. The Original Poster’s method seems like a better idea to me. Particularly if you are swapping nearly everything equipped, i.e. regular gear for resistance set or pvp set.
I agree if you’re swapping full sets of gear its better to write it as /equip rinse and repeat. For a few items or leveling my way makes it just a button swap to modify what equipped. Plus, it’ll work on every character so you’re not writing a unique macro for every weapon swap for every character.
I tell you what, try it my way, then come back with feed back
Just had draged the icon of the thing I wanted to equip and put on bar.
Then put the other one on bar beside other one. Clicked one then the other.
Staff and fishing pole.
Fish macro will now have the equip pole in it.
Olif, Here’s the one button fishing macro I use:
/equip [modifier:alt] name-of-fishing-pole;
/use [modifier:alt] Aquadynamic Fish Attractor; [modifier:ctrl] Shiny Bauble;
/use [modifier:alt] 16; [modifier:ctrl] 16
/cast fishing
Doing nothing will cast your line if you have the pole equipped. Holding [alt] will equip your pole, if you have aqua lures it will apply the lure to the pole while holding alt, same for shiny babbles while holding [ctrl]
/equip [modifier:alt]Fishing Pole; [modifier:shift]Buccaneer’s Orb of the Owl; [modifier:ctrl]Compact Hammer;
/use [modifier:ctrl] Shiny Bauble;
/use [modifier:alt]16; [modifier:ctrl] 16
/cast fishing
thanks , rewrote due to the 255 limit ; removed the attractor.
Slightly unrelated, but pertains to what Gambatte was talking about…
The addon Itemrack is working in Classic WoW, and you can bind the sets to keys in its interface so give that a look if you’re interested in swapping lots of gear at a time.
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This was a very helpful post for Fury Prot swiftness. Seconds matter when you have to switch in a hurry.