How To Unlock Vale of Eternal Blossoms For Incognitro


How do you unlock the BFA version of the Vale of Eternal BLossoms? I am trying to do the Incognitro questlines and cannot get to the correct version of the Vale. I’ve done the Heart of Azeroth quest that starts with A Dying World. There are literally no other further quests. I did all BFA content with an old char years ago and unlocked everything. Can the quests be done with multiple chars? This is incredibly annoying having to unlock this stuff again on a different char, and frustrating because I’ve searched online for answers and there are none.

Is it just a different phase? Meaning, is it something you can change by asking a nearby member of the Bronze Dragonflight to show you a different version of the zone? I haven’t done anything for the Felcycle so I don’t entirely get what you mean, I guess. But that would be my first bet. Look at the zone map and find the person that changes it from being Sha corrupted to pretty/golden and talk to them and see if that helps. I think they also have options for the BFA stuff since that zone has had several facelifts over the years…but maybe I’m just completely wrong and way off course. Idk. I haven’t been that way too often since BFA and haven’t really thought much about it.

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There are two versions of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. One is in the Pandaria timeline and the other in the BFA timeline with the visions in 8.3. However, you have to unlock the BFA version if your character never did it. I did it with multiple characters back in BFA but since changed mains (shocking) so now I have to do all this crap over again because I didn’t realize doing Incognitro would require these tedious, nonlinear steps of unlocking something I’ve done multiple times already. I keep searching online for the starting quests to unlock the BFA version of the Vale but it just leads you in circles because there is no clear writeup. Why cant these unlock for the whole warband? Its really annoying.

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No I know there’s two versions. Technically 3. That’s why I suggested maybe it might have something to do with the Bronze Dragonflight NPC. You can see the zone pre-Sha corruption from the MoP timeline as well. Thought maybe the same NPC would have an option for the BFA stuff too if you’ve already done the BFA quests that lead you there, but like I said, I’m just spitballing.

Here’s what I was able to dig up - sorry for the double post:

To unlock N’zoth Assaults (also known as Visions of N’Zoth), you need to progress through the Battle for Azeroth campaign, specifically reaching the point where you unlock Nazjatar and complete the questline there, which will eventually lead to a quest chain from Magni that introduces you to the N’Zoth invasion mechanic and the assaults in the zones like Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum; essentially, you need to complete a significant portion of the BfA storyline to access this content.

Key points to remember:

  • Start the BfA campaign: Begin the Battle for Azeroth story progression.

  • Reach Nazjatar: Unlock the Nazjatar zone and complete a good portion of its questline.

  • Magni’s quest chain: Once in Nazjatar, you will receive a quest chain from Magni that introduces the N’Zoth assaults.

  • Legendary Cloak: Obtaining the legendary cloak, Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Resolve, is also crucial for engaging with N’Zoth content.

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Gotcha. From what I understand Zidormi is the NPC that you need to talk to. She is in the Vale near where the Incognitro quest leads you. However, she does not appear for me because I didn’t do the quests on this specific character.

Yeah I saw those steps on how to unlock it as well. They are vague and do not give any location or name for the quest giver. If there is a name or location the quest giver has no quest. I did the intro assault on the undercity or whatever, and the dying world quests where you get the Heart of Azeroth. I cannot find the quest you need to do after the “A Dying World” questline to continue the campaign.

Honestly, I’m just going to see if it is easier to do it on a char that has completed the BFA questline and start over. Just the fact that I’d have to do the BFA intro questlines all the way through 8.3 visions is ridiculous because I played all BFA. Or I just might not do it because it is just idiotic that I have to unlock this crap again for an already time consuming quest.

I am following, im on an alt that never did BfA (born in MoP Remix actually), no zidormi in the vale unfortunately.

Is there a simple unlock/skip like there is for Shadowlands?

How do you start the BfA campaign from patch 11.0.7? 99JJ4xqHxh0
for alliance (remove space after equal sign) daIDPmNtttI
for horde (remove space after equal sign)

these are older videos but they get you started. you need to continue the quests in Naz (which he doesnt do)… then when you unlock the N’Zoth visions from the letter he shows you in the video is when Zidormi appears. It is lengthy but im working on it right now for my mount progress

you also might wanna do that before the links get taken down by blizz… they really do help



ty for some reason it wouldnt let me do that… maybe cuz im new to posting on here

You need Trust Level 3 on the posting character to post links like I did.

You want to post just a link:

This will post just the link:

And it will look like that.

Did you get any joy OP? Can help today if you’d like a guide ingame or voice chat.

Any Trust Level beyond “new user” can post links to certain sites, like WoWHead, YouTube, and 1 or 2 others. But I’m guessing since that person just joined the forums like 3 hours ago, they’re still a new user, and that’s the reason it didn’t work.

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Like my link? And have the YouTube Video or GIF post? Not sure that’s true.

Can’t change character to test that.

You have to do the heart quest line a little bit, I think once you do the part in Halls of origins there is one more step that leads you to Pandaria.

Just did it a couple weeks ago to have access to nyakotha

It’s right in the New Forum Guide post at the top

When I did it I went back to a couple of my old BFA characters, but with the Warband updates, every single heart of Azeroth/ cloak on each character was missing. Just gone. So I made a new character, unfortunately. Made sure to chromie time through BFA to make sure I had the heart unlocked and in the characters inventory. I then finished all the above steps to unlock the visions part. I did it all with a lvl 60 warlock so it wasn’t too hard to get it high enough level to one shot everything.

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