How to unlock (mount) flying in Dragonflght

I’m searching the internet for how to unlock flying in Dragonflight but can only find information about Soar and dragonflying.

How do i unlock flying for my other characters, like my mage and shaman?

If you’re STRICTLY talking about Dragonflight, flying isn’t enabled in the Dragon Isles and wont be for some time.

Ok flying isn’t in game yet, but is dragon flying replacing regular flying? Or have they said if we will have both types of flying eventually?

Dragonriding is in from day 1 in the Dragon Isles. Normal flying will probably be in after a couple major patches like normal.

At least at the start. If you only do campaign quests, you’ll get it fairly early on. It is like the third quest hub.

The main questline gives you the four dragon mounts. You’ll have the first proto drake pretty quick. They can ‘fly’ (dragon riding) from the start, but you find glyphs around the map to build up your dragon riding talent tree to get better at dragon riding