How to unlock Molten Front as Alliance?

I’m trying to unlock Molten Front (old Cata/ Hyjal event) on my Alliance chr and can’t figure it out. All the write ups on Wowhead are from Cata and reference NPC/ quests that don’t seem to be active anymore.

iirc, there was a feeder quest at the Sanctuary of Malorne… but that’s not there. There didn’t seem to be one in Nordrassil. And there’s nothing in Stormwind. Like I said, the quest listed on Wowhead “Call of the Ancients” is one I can’t find anywhere.

Does anyone know the trick to this, please?

Have you completed the quest for Hyjal?

You need to complete the entire zone to unlock the quests for Molten Front. Start at the sanctuary near Nordrassil. If you’re not 50, you’ll probably have to use Chromie Time.

They should be able to complete the zone without Chromie time if their still under level 50. Mobs go gray at lvl 36 outside of Chromie time for Cata Zones.

If they want to level, passed lvl 35, they have to use Chromie time. There won’t be much XP to level with at 36.

This is on my Alliance alt which is 50. But I didn’t realize I’d have to go through alllll that stuff to unlock it. Wow that’s a chore.

Once you’re in the Hyjal zone, the quest log lists 0/9 chapters for the story. I’m assuming that if I just follow that, it will unlock the Molten Front.

Just not sure I want to bother. I thought it was as simple as just going to Sanc of Malorne and hitting “go”, so to speak. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks, though.

last time i had an alt do the Molten Front was around 2013, it was my hunter alt going to tame the spirit owl as a level 90. all i recall is that i quested out the entire Hyjal zone

Cataclysm was when the game was obsessed with “phasing.” The Hyjal questline phases parts of the zone from being ruined to being repopulated with nature and trees and all that business, and the Molten Front quest chain relies on Hyjal being repopulated with nature and trees and all that business, so you have to repopulate Hyjal with with nature and trees and all that business before you can do it.

Now, Blizz could probably work around it by having another “I’ve heard this story before” option to skip to MF, but they still haven’t done it for the Suramar or Argus introductions, or the Recover Light’s Heart quest, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on it happening.

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It is a pain. All the phasing in the Cataclysm zones make things difficult.

Yeah this is one of those old content things that probably should be restructured because people aren’t spending 2 years on the expansion any longer. Its like doing pathfinder to get flight in B for A, when you blast through it in 5 levels, or unlocking the new races.

Once an expansion is not the current one any longer, all that stuff should be significantly retooled to be faster and simpler.

Playing Devil’s Advocate here, they’ll never do such a thing because it is then an admission that your long, drawn out story arc is SPECIFICALLY done, not to be interesting but, as nothing more than a time sink.

They will counter with “it’s long, but at lv50, you can blow through it in just a couple hours.”

My issue is, I just wanted to check on something for a friend (for the “Have we met?” Achv), but quick-checking something is entirely different than pouring 2-3 hours into a zone to unlock that nonsense. lol We’ll see.

But thank you all for these responses. :slight_smile: