What do I need to do to unlock the holiday daily quests in my Garrison? I have it on a few characters but I honestly do not remember what I need to do to get them.
I think you just need to have your garrison up to level 3.
If you just got it there, you may need to relog or leave and come back to prompt the NPCs to show up.
More info on Wowhead here: https://www.wowhead.com/item=128659/merry-supplies#comments
Its at level 2 and looks like I need 2000 garrison resources and 5k gold. I have the gold, but only about 1k resources. Now I gotta figure out where to get the resources. Thanks for your reply.
You can get resources 1k at a time via an item that can be bought and sold on the AH, but it’s usually fairly expensive, like 10k gold, these days.
You only need a garrison level 3
And for your garrison resources needing here the npcs I used to farm daily when I needed it, these drop over 100+ each