Hi everyone, I’ve mostly played solo, and have recently returned from a long hiatus. I’m trying to solo some old dungeons and raids, and brought my DH to the Trial of the Crusader raid in Icecrown, because she has a Skinning quest to complete. However I find that the raid portal is locked by an iron portcullis, and I have no idea how to unlock it. This character has never been to Northrend and hasn’t done any of the quests there. Would someone be kind enough to tell me how I should get started, so that I can eventually unlock the dungeons and raids in this zone?
Mucho thanks in advance!
There aren’t any requirements to enter the raid. (If you enter the raid on heroic, the NPC will tell you that you have to do it first on normal, but it will let you zone in. You just can’t start the fight on heroic until you’ve cleared it on normal.)
Make sure you are at the right door. There’s a gate on the west side that’s not usable by players. (Some of the NPCs for fights enter there.) The North Door is for the Dungeon, the East Door is for the raid, and the South door is for decoration (and has a closed portcullis.)
Ahh, thank you very much! I found the proper entrances now. I was inside the big round tent, looking at the portals through lowered portcullis. I had to get on the outside and come back in that way, and there they were, open and accessible like you said. Again, thank you very much for your response.
I made the same mistake. You cant do heroic until you do normal, but if you go in on heroic first, you have to run back out and “reset instance” before you can go back in and talk to the NPC to start the event on normal. (Reset instance by leaving the instance then right clicking your portrait).
Fantastic response, thank you!