How to transfer honor to alts

So they just fixed honor transfer to alts, but now that it’s an available option, I have run into another weird issue. How are we meant to transfer honor to alts that have not yet earned any honor? Normally you would go to the currency tab, look under the “Player vs. Player” dropdown, and click on the Honor option. But if you are on an alt that has not yet done any pvp, the honor option isn’t there at all. It’s just odd because the Conquest option shows up even though i haven’t earned any conquest before. I just wanna know if this is intended or not, cuz it seems kinda unfair to other people that I have to take up an arena/battleground slot with my low ilvl alt just so i can die instantly and /afk right back out. This also wasn’t an issue back when we could just mail the tokens for honor.


You don’t. I think it’s intentional to make people do something with the content first before you can transfer. But that’s just a guess.

It just seems a bit odd considering we were allowed to do it before, back when we could just mail the honor tokens to any alt we wanted

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It may be the case but it’s a dumb idea given that the whole point of being able to trade currency is to be able to use it on a different character.


This issue isn’t just an honor issue, it’ll be an issue for all currencies because of how the Warband Transfer UI is set up.

They need to rework the UX so you can give your currency to your alts, not just take.


I noticed that yesterday.

You need a sample of the currency before being able to use the Warband Transfer, which is not intuitive.

Basically this.


Oh I agree.

Kinda seems like the currency transfer is a half-baked feature thrown in at the last minute and not intended to be a permanent solution. But they couldn’t spare the dev time to consolidate currencies to be actually account-wide so this is the temporary measure.

Well what if you are good on one character and not as good on another class. So the one you are not as good as get easy honor? idk

The tokens are different than honor I believe.

He means:

Badges for item sets have always been BOA for their entire existence. Honor points were transferable, and then were not for a long time, and then in TWW beta previews they were transferable again. Taxed some small percentage, but still very worthwhile to gear a fresh 80 for BGs without being a punching bag for hours.

And now in live, they aren’t transferable again with no word why. (There’s never any communication on why)

How do we transfer the honor? I see no option to transfer.

All warbound currency transfer is currently disabled. I guess there was another bug. I don’t think there has been any news on when it will be reenabled

Is this true again or did it get fixed? So much of this seems so broken right now. Launch is going to be a nightmare.

edit: don’t think it is down, just got a silly ui that won’t let you transfer to someone who has never gotten a currency before. So for pvp guess going in and getting rolled with little to no gear first game is still on the table.

That’s what makes every new xpac or season fun.

Grind from the bottom up.

I think thats a silly oversight to introduce the warband features and not recognize that some characters that need currency might not have any of the currency in their character yet.

It is a weird one because we were able to do it before. Als, I have a feeling it is true for all currencies. If you have never had any it can’t be transferred to you. Not sure what the purpose is but I hope they at least have zero currencies added for things like this.

Kobold says: “I TAKE Currency!”